[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 3 new changesets

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3 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   dd89b469c304
User:        ggael
Date:        2016-07-12 15:19:26+00:00
Summary:     Fix test for nearly null input
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   584217e037e7
User:        ggael
Date:        2016-07-12 15:21:03+00:00
Summary:     Consider denormals as zero in makeJacobi and 2x2 SVD.
This also fix serious issues with x387 for which values can be much smaller than the smallest denormal!
Affected #:  2 files

Changeset:   b30138fa5f28
User:        ggael
Date:        2016-07-12 15:22:03+00:00
Summary:     Avoid division by very small entries when extracting singularvalues, and explicitly handle the 1x1 complex case.
Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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