[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: benoitsteiner: Enable the use of the packet api to evaluate tensor broadcasts. This speed things up quite a bit:

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https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/commits/2b3e7a25d699/ Changeset: 2b3e7a25d699 User: benoitsteiner Date: 2016-05-17 16:24:35+00:00 Summary: Enable the use of the packet api to evaluate tensor broadcasts. This speed things up quite a bit:

Before" M_broadcasting/10 500000 3690 27.10 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/80 500000 4014 1594.24 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/640 100000 14770 27731.35 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/4K 5000 632711 39512.48 MFlops/s After: BM_broadcasting/10 500000 4287 23.33 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/80 500000 4455 1436.41 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/640 200000 10195 40173.01 MFlops/s BM_broadcasting/4K 5000 423746 58997.57 MFlops/s Affected #: 1 file

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