[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: jlebar: Eliminate mutual recursion in igamma{, c}_impl::Run. |
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1 new commit in eigen:
https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/commits/8e22cbaba11b/ Changeset: 8e22cbaba11b User: jlebar Date: 2016-04-28 20:57:08+00:00 Summary: Eliminate mutual recursion in igamma{,c}_impl::Run.
Presently, igammac_impl::Run calls igamma_impl::Run, which in turn calls igammac_impl::Run.
This isn't actually mutual recursion; the calls are guarded such that we never get into a loop. Nonetheless, it's a stretch for clang to prove this. As a result, clang emits a recursive call in both igammac_impl::Run and igamma_impl::Run.
That this is suboptimal code is bad enough, but it's particularly bad when compiling for CUDA/nvptx. nvptx allows recursion, but only begrudgingly: If you have recursive calls in a kernel, it's on you to manually specify the kernel's stack size. Otherwise, ptxas will dump a warning, make a guess, and who knows if it's right.
This change explicitly eliminates the mutual recursion in igammac_impl::Run and igamma_impl::Run. Affected #: 1 file
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