[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: rmlarsen: Implement stricter argument checking for SYRK and SY2K and real matrices. To implement the BLAS API they should return info=2 if op='C' is passed for a complex matrix. Without this change, the Eigen BLAS fails the strict zblat3 and cblat3 tests in LAPACK 3.5. |
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1 new commit in eigen:
https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/commits/0ce6a375eaff/ Changeset: 0ce6a375eaff User: rmlarsen Date: 2016-04-27 17:59:44+00:00 Summary: Implement stricter argument checking for SYRK and SY2K and real matrices. To implement the BLAS API they should return info=2 if op='C' is passed for a complex matrix. Without this change, the Eigen BLAS fails the strict zblat3 and cblat3 tests in LAPACK 3.5. Affected #: 1 file
Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/
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