[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 3 new changesets

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3 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   a19653b8035d
Branch:      shader-model-3.0
User:        jeremy_barnes
Date:        2016-01-11 03:39:13+00:00
Summary:     Alternative way of forcing instantiation of device kernels without
causing warnings or requiring device to device kernel invocations.

This allows Tensorflow to work on SM 3.0 (ie, Amazon EC2) machines.
Affected #:  3 files

Changeset:   f2713a96946e
Branch:      shader-model-3.0
User:        jeremy_barnes
Date:        2016-01-11 03:44:45+00:00
Summary:     Cleaned up double-defined macro from last commit
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   5651786d5e59
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2016-01-11 19:43:37+00:00
Summary:     Merged in jeremy_barnes/eigen/shader-model-3.0 (pull request #152)

Alternative way of forcing instantiation of device kernels without causing warnings or requiring device to device kernel invocations.
Affected #:  3 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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