[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 5 new changesets

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5 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   5e96efff1fa1
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2015-11-11 23:04:58+00:00
Summary:     Disable SFINAE when compiling with nvcc
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   287034c7e138
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2015-11-11 23:19:00+00:00
Summary:     Allow the vectorized version of the Binary and the Nullary functors to run on GPU
Affected #:  2 files

Changeset:   a31d1ac39f9c
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2015-11-11 23:22:50+00:00
Summary:     Make it possible for a vectorized tensor expression to be executed in a CUDA kernel.
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   c3defd490007
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2015-11-11 23:35:12+00:00
Summary:     Fixed a compilation warning
Affected #:  1 file

Changeset:   34dc23b5fb1c
User:        benoitsteiner
Date:        2015-11-11 23:38:30+00:00
Summary:     Don't use std::array when compiling with nvcc since nvidia doesn't support the use of STL containers on GPU.
Affected #:  2 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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