[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: ggael: Refactoring of the cost model:

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1 new commit in eigen:

Changeset:   1bcb41187a45
User:        ggael
Date:        2015-10-28 10:42:14+00:00
Summary:     Refactoring of the cost model:
 - Dynamic is now an invalid value
 - introduce a HugeCost constant to be used for runtime-cost values or arbitrarily huge cost
 - add sanity checks for cost values: must be >=0 and not too large
This change provides several benefits:
 - it fixes shortcoming is some cost computation where the Dynamic case was not properly handled.
 - it simplifies cost computation logic, and should avoid future similar shortcomings.
 - it allows to distinguish between different level of dynamic/huge/infinite cost
 - it should enable further simplifications in the computation of costs (save compilation time)
Affected #:  22 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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