[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: petewarden: Check for the macro __ARM_NEON__ (with two underscores at the end) as well as __ARM_NEON. The second macro is correct according to the ARM language extensions specification, but historically the first one has been more common. Some older compilers (e.g. gcc v4.6 on a Beaglebone Black) only define the first, so without this patch NEON isn't enabled.

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1 new commit in eigen:

Changeset:   8ee83082b71b
User:        petewarden
Date:        2015-05-12 23:03:43+00:00
Summary:     Check for the macro __ARM_NEON__ (with two underscores at the end) as well as __ARM_NEON. The second macro is correct according to the ARM language extensions specification, but historically the first one has been more common. Some older compilers (e.g. gcc v4.6 on a Beaglebone Black) only define the first, so without this patch NEON isn't enabled.
Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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