[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new commits in eigen:

Changeset:   6fb31ebe6492
User:        bjacob
Date:        2015-02-18 20:03:35+00:00
Summary:     Bug 955 - Implement a rotating kernel alternative in the 3px4 gebp path

This is substantially faster on ARM, where it's important to minimize the number of loads.

This is specific to the case where all packet types are of size 4. I made my best attempt to minimize how dirty this is... opinions welcome.

Eventually one could have a generic rotated kernel, but it would take some work to get there. Also, on sandy bridge, in my experience, it's not beneficial (even about 1% slower).
Affected #:  5 files

Changeset:   42ab8e76632a
User:        bjacob
Date:        2015-02-18 20:05:01+00:00
Summary:     remove a newly introduced redundant typedef - sorry.
Affected #:  1 file

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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