[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: Abraham Bachrach: added functions to allow for cwise min/max operations with scalar argument (bug 400). |
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1 new commit in eigen:
changeset: ec430a9cb055
user: Abraham Bachrach
date: 2012-01-11 17:00:30
summary: added functions to allow for cwise min/max operations with scalar argument (bug 400).
added function for array.min(), array.max(), matrix.cwiseMin(), matrix.cwiseMax().
The matrix.cwiseMin/Max functions required the definition of the ConstantReturnType typedef.
However, it wasn't defined until after MatrixCwiseBinaryOps was included in Eigen/src/SparseCore/SparseMatrixBase.h,
so I moved those includes after the definition of the typedefs.
tests for both the regular and scalar min/max functions were added as well
affected #: 5 files
Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/
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