[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 4 new changesets

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4 new commits in eigen:

changeset:   a1f843f013c9
user:        kart...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
date:        2011-12-05 08:52:21
summary:     Intel(R) MKL support added.
* * *
License disclaimer changed to BSD license for MKL_support.h
* * *
Pardiso support fixed, test added.
blas/lapack tests fixed: Scalar parameter was added in Cholesky, product_matrix_vector_triangular remaned to triangular_matrix_vector_product.
* * *
PARDISO test was added physically.
affected #:  41 files

changeset:   07ecdb83bec8
user:        ggael
date:        2011-12-09 10:06:49
summary:     - split and rename defined tokens to enable the use of BLAS/Lapack/VML/etc
- include MKL headers outside the Eigen namespace.
affected #:  17 files

changeset:   f4fdcf4c7182
user:        ggael
date:        2011-12-09 10:40:35
summary:     mv blas.h to src/misc such that it would be possible to use any blas libraries,
however, this requires some more works:
 - add const qualifiers in the declarations of blas.h
 - add the possibility to add a suffix to blas function names
affected #:  4 files

changeset:   f1faa3d955f5
user:        ggael
date:        2011-12-09 10:50:13
summary:     add user defined CXX and LINKER flag cmake variables for the unit tests
affected #:  2 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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