[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new commits in eigen:

changeset:   13f72ac8283d
user:        kkimlabs
date:        2011-11-17 23:57:45
summary:     Bug 157 - Implemented *= /= * / operations for VectorwiseOp (e.g. mat.colwise())
affected #:  1 file

changeset:   d48a7c25e052
user:        bjacob
date:        2011-11-18 17:10:27
summary:     Bugs 157 and 377 - General tightening/testing of vectorwise ops:

* add lots of static assertions making it very explicit when all these ops
are supposed to work:
** all ops require the rhs vector to go in the right direction
** all ops already require that the lhs and rhs are of the same kind
(matrix vs vector) otherwise we'd have to do complex work
** multiplicative ops (introduced Kibeom's patch) are restricted to arrays, if only because for matrices they could be ambiguous.

* add a new test, vectorwiseop.cpp.

* these compound-assign operators used to be implemented with for loops:

   for(Index j=0; j<subVectors(); ++j)
     subVector(j).array() += other.derived().array();

This didn't seem to be needed; replaced by using expressions like operator+ and operator- did.
affected #:  4 files

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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