[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: bjacob: Throw std::bad_alloc even when exceptions are disabled, by doing new int[size_t(-1)].

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1 new changeset in eigen:

changeset:   626705504d3e
user:        bjacob
date:        2011-10-17 14:44:44
summary:     Throw std::bad_alloc even when exceptions are disabled, by doing new int[size_t(-1)].
Don't throw exceptions on aligned_malloc(0) (just because malloc's retval is null doesn't mean error, if size==0).
Remove EIGEN_NO_EXCEPTIONS option, use only compiler standard defines. Either exceptions are enabled or they aren't.
affected #:  3 files (-1 bytes)

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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