[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 6 new changesets

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6 new changesets in eigen:

changeset:   r4070:90cd16403a06
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-03-19 01:06:50
summary:     fix memory leak when a custom scalar throw an exception
(transplanted from 42afe669ad69819829d70fbf29014dc7dd07b058)
affected #:  11 files (3.2 KB)

changeset:   r4071:1b0f7dd6343f
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-03-19 08:51:38
summary:     test the new stack allocation mechanism
(transplanted from 43327365c0fabe0b101b330491ebefb23ef022b3)
affected #:  1 file (22 bytes)

changeset:   r4072:fa41c1e188f5
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-03-19 10:27:47
summary:     clean a bit the stack allocation mechanism
(transplanted from dc66f56f54927c38b2428c462422734e6924689f)
affected #:  1 file (809 bytes)

changeset:   r4073:6b9ab651a629
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-03-20 17:10:43
summary:     port sparse LLT/LDLT to new stack allocation API
(transplanted from 16cb0883bbf1b41382c4bc618738bb76e10fe858)
affected #:  2 files (275 bytes)

changeset:   r4074:b63c01828743
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-03-21 21:59:42
summary:     fix 228 (ei_aligned_stack_delete does not exist anymore)
(transplanted from f782efe9daf4ef79271cb4ff58780f3e20ab7d4f)
affected #:  2 files (125 bytes)

changeset:   r4075:56dba1f2dec0
branch:      3.0
user:        ggael
date:        2011-05-17 21:30:12
summary:     fix bug 267: alloca is not aligned on arm
(transplanted from d7f02b1968008d2361ee135f877087882f1b0fec)
affected #:  1 file (224 bytes)

Repository URL: https://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/


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