[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 3 new changesets

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3 new changesets in eigen:

changeset:   r3579:8ab7d8974151
user:        jitseniesen
date:        2010-12-12 12:44:30
summary:     Specify root namespace for fftw_plan from FFTW3 library.
After changeset de091f956edd (the ei_ --> internal:: change), there are two symbols
called fftw_plan, one from the FFTW3 library and one from Eigen.
affected #:  1 file (2 bytes)

changeset:   r3580:1d93c6b99dd2
user:        jitseniesen
date:        2010-12-12 14:53:42
summary:     Fix compilation of Tridiagonalization_diagonal example.
After changeset 63806965d637, matrixT() is a real matrix even if the matrix
which is decomposed is complex.
affected #:  1 file (1 byte)

changeset:   r3581:6db92c5c7a8b
user:        jitseniesen
date:        2010-12-12 22:24:24
summary:     merge
affected #:  0 files (0 bytes)

Repository URL: http://bitbucket.org/eigen/eigen/

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