[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 2 new changesets

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2 new changesets in eigen:

changeset:   r2924:d037ea27eed7
user:        ggael
date:        2010-06-10 16:39:46
summary:     * Make HouseholderSequence::evalTo works in place
* Clean a bit the Triadiagonalization making sure it the inplace
  function really works inplace ;), and that only the lower
   triangular part of the matrix is referenced.
* Remove the Tridiagonalization member object of SelfAdjointEigenSolver
  exploiting the in place capability of HouseholdeSequence.
* Update unit test to check SelfAdjointEigenSolver only consider
  the lower triangular part.
affected #:  4 files (4.5 KB)

changeset:   r2925:8277438b2013
user:        ggael
date:        2010-06-10 16:44:24
summary:     merge
affected #:  0 files (0 bytes)

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