[eigen-commits] commit/eigen: 3 new changesets

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3 new changesets in eigen:

changeset:   r2232:5875fb08124a
user:        bjacob
date:        2010-01-05 03:26:15
summary:     merge
affected #:  2 files (1.1 KB)

changeset:   r2230:b1157ae79620
user:        bjacob
date:        2010-01-05 03:23:37
summary:     Make snippet run successfully again:
 the snippet for 'eval' was taking m=m.transpose() as an example of code
 that needs an explicit call to eval(), but that doesn't work anymore now
 that we have the clever assert detecting aliasing issues.
affected #:  1 file (2 bytes)

changeset:   r2231:caa421ebc5e5
user:        bjacob
date:        2010-01-05 03:24:43
summary:     Big renaming:
  start ---> head
  end   ---> tail
Much frustration with sed syntax. Need to learn perl some day.
affected #:  43 files (132 bytes)

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