[efrench] [52] Nouveau fichier Files.txt

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Revision: 52
Author:   mpg
Date:     2011-01-27 04:23:40 +0100 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011)
Log Message:
Nouveau fichier Files.txt

Conserve les infos int?\195?\169ressantes (descriptions des fichiers) des anciens
README et Readme.txt. D?\195?\169j?\195?\160 obsol?\195?\168te, devrait ?\195?\170tre tri?\195?\169.

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Added: trunk/Files.txt
--- trunk/Files.txt	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Files.txt	2011-01-27 03:23:40 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+                               Files in eFrench
+1. Files in the distribution (old format)
+2. Files that should be installed
+WARNING: both lists are probably obsolete, still referencing removed files.
+They are kept only for the descriptions of the remaining files, while waiting
+to be edited.
+1. Files in the distro
+ALIRE         : this file (README).
+frnotes.pdf     :  PRINT IT FIRST, here is the 
+                         installation procedure to follow --in french. 
+Changements.pdf: (in french) list of improvments.
+Copyright.htm : you must read it to know your rights and your duties.
+FAQ.pdf       : basic Frequently Asked Questions about (All)TeX and french.
+FrenchPro     : the unix command to use when installed in home directory.
+FTPinfos.pdf  : warning about binary files (for ftp users).
+GNUmakefile   : author's GNU Makefile for Unix, to configure then type "gmake"
+GUTenberg.pdf : just a pointer to the french association of users.
+Gaulle.-bg    : my name and shortest signature as id for archives purpose.
+install.sh    : the most automatic shell for French Pro installation.
+Makefile.in   : one used to generate final makefile.gen file.
+Mirrors.pdf   : short list of ftp servers mirroring the whole distribution.
+MlTeX   dir.  : for information about Multi-Lingual TeX.
+README        : this file in ASCII or in pdf:
+TDSfr.pdf     : where to put the french files in your TDS compliant tree.
+contrib dir.  : you will find other language-styles running friendly
+                    with the french style. Look at its README file.
+doc directory : the source files to produce the documentation.
+engines directory : TeX engines directory contains:
+*.pdf         : related documentation about each TeX engine, few 
+                recommandations for installation (sometimes still to write).
+                * is the name of a TeX engine (web2c, textures, tetex, ...).
+frmsgPB       : a form to fill and send to the author if any pb.
+initex  dir.  : look at its README for the INITEX time material
+                   (contains a subdirectory for testing purposes)
+inputs  dir.  : here are the files used for input to (All)TeX
+kb2lex.tex    : a (La)TeX pgm generating .lex files in order to
+                generate 7-bit <==> 8-bit translators. For people
+                having no lex pgm, the following is provided (lex output):
+kb7to8.c      : a sample C pgm to  translate 7-bit to 8-bit accordingly
+                to "my" keyboard.dat (given in directory inputs)
+kb8to7.c      : a sample C pgm to  transle 8-bit to 7-bit accordingly
+                to "my" keyboard.dat (given in directory inputs)
+uninstall.sh  : script file created by makefile.gen to remove installed files
+latexenv      : environnement setting example to configure to your own needs.
+makefile.gen  : a default makefile for people not having GNU make (gmake)
+makefile.org  : if available, is the copy of the original makefile.gen file.
+tst directory : useful tests for french.sty validation. (torture tests).
+web directory : all related French Pro web pages are here.
+Windows only files:
+install.bat   : end user batch file for installing French Pro automatically.
+installFP.bat : unix like install command for whole French Pro files.
+uninstall.bat : batch file for removing French Pro files.
+makeFP.bat    : unix like make command to use for executing GNUmakefile.
+2. Files in the installation
+README.test   : the file you are reading.
+fxench.tst    : this file has to be converted to 8-bit and renamed french.tst;
+                this is the bi-lingual torture test basic file used to 
+                typeset the following documents:
+frenchlb.tex  : a french LaTeX book (to be compared at printing level
+                                      with frenchrf.dvi),
+frenT1lb.tex  : the same, but with T1 font encoding forced.
+babellb.tex   : the same, but french loaded by Babel
+babelplb.tex  : the same, but with frenchpro option of Babel
+texxetlb.tex  : the same to be run with any TeXXeT engine.
+frenchab.tex  : the same with AmsLaTeX.
+frenchlm.tex  : the same, loading the french style after  \documentstyle.
+frenchln.tex  : the same, loading the french style before \documentstyle.
+                          and testing the "poor man french style" option.
+frenchlr.tex  : a french LaTeX report
+frenchla.tex  : a french LaTeX article
+frenchll.tex  : a french LaTeX letter (just a test)
+frencht.tex   : a french TeX document
+nofrench.tex  : to test that french.dmy is running ok
+The previous files require:
+myfigure.ps   : an EPS face (not mine) 
+mygglo.ist    : the file is use with Makeindex to produce my glossary
+mylist.sty    : a verbatim style
+mypsfig.tex   : a version of psfig
+mysmall.sty   : only given for fun and any help...
+frenchlb.ind  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the index produced.
+frenchlb.gls  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the glossary too.
+For comparison after installation:
+frenchrf.dvi  : the Torture test (frenchlb) document composed by the author.
+                (The program makeindex was used to produce the index 
+                 i.e. the .ind file and the glossary i.e. the .gls file)
+For kb7to8 and kb8to7 testing:
+kbto.tex      : a sample binary test file to adapt to your own keyboard.

Property changes on: trunk/Files.txt
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

Deleted: trunk/README
--- trunk/README	2011-01-27 03:16:05 UTC (rev 51)
+++ trunk/README	2011-01-27 03:23:40 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-% README_distrib of the french style files distribution for \AllTeX  2007/06/28
-%                                 LPPL Copyright 
-CAUTION : ALL FILES IN V5,9994 HAVE CHANGED since the last distribution.
-<< Desole, mais les fichiers README sont tous en anglais. Par contre les 
-   pages web et la documentation sont en francais. >> --bg
-This material was designed to help (La)TeX users to print french documents
-i.e. according to french typographic habits.
-Before installation ask yourself the question: is my TeX engine
-installation able to process any 8-bit character (ie a char with
-decimal code upper than 127)? If not, may be you don’t have:
-   either the good fonts (look at the EC for example),
-   or the good TeX V3 engine (look also at MlTeX).
-Description of the files includes in the package
-ALIRE         : this file (README).
-frnotes.pdf     :  PRINT IT FIRST, here is the 
-                         installation procedure to follow --in french. 
-Changements.pdf: (in french) list of improvments.
-Copyright.htm : you must read it to know your rights and your duties.
-FAQ.pdf       : basic Frequently Asked Questions about (All)TeX and french.
-FrenchPro     : the unix command to use when installed in home directory.
-FTPinfos.pdf  : warning about binary files (for ftp users).
-GNUmakefile   : author's GNU Makefile for Unix, to configure then type "gmake"
-GUTenberg.pdf : just a pointer to the french association of users.
-Gaulle.-bg    : my name and shortest signature as id for archives purpose.
-install.sh    : the most automatic shell for French Pro installation.
-Makefile.in   : one used to generate final makefile.gen file.
-Mirrors.pdf   : short list of ftp servers mirroring the whole distribution.
-MlTeX   dir.  : for information about Multi-Lingual TeX.
-README        : this file in ASCII or in pdf:
-TDSfr.pdf     : where to put the french files in your TDS compliant tree.
-contrib dir.  : you will find other language-styles running friendly
-                    with the french style. Look at its README file.
-doc directory : the source files to produce the documentation.
-engines directory : TeX engines directory contains:
-*.pdf         : related documentation about each TeX engine, few 
-                recommandations for installation (sometimes still to write).
-                * is the name of a TeX engine (web2c, textures, tetex, ...).
-frmsgPB       : a form to fill and send to the author if any pb.
-initex  dir.  : look at its README for the INITEX time material
-                   (contains a subdirectory for testing purposes)
-inputs  dir.  : here are the files used for input to (All)TeX
-kb2lex.tex    : a (La)TeX pgm generating .lex files in order to
-                generate 7-bit <==> 8-bit translators. For people
-                having no lex pgm, the following is provided (lex output):
-kb7to8.c      : a sample C pgm to  translate 7-bit to 8-bit accordingly
-                to "my" keyboard.dat (given in directory inputs)
-kb8to7.c      : a sample C pgm to  transle 8-bit to 7-bit accordingly
-                to "my" keyboard.dat (given in directory inputs)
-uninstall.sh  : script file created by makefile.gen to remove installed files
-latexenv      : environnement setting example to configure to your own needs.
-makefile.gen  : a default makefile for people not having GNU make (gmake)
-makefile.org  : if available, is the copy of the original makefile.gen file.
-tst directory : useful tests for french.sty validation. (torture tests).
-web directory : all related French Pro web pages are here.
-Windows only files:
-install.bat   : end user batch file for installing French Pro automatically.
-installFP.bat : unix like install command for whole French Pro files.
-uninstall.bat : batch file for removing French Pro files.
-makeFP.bat    : unix like make command to use for executing GNUmakefile.
-YOUR "TO DO" LIST if you have Unix/Linux but not GNU make command (or don't
-=================    want to modify the complex makefile.gen file);
-                  if you have Win* but not want to use install.bat 
-                                               or mikinstall.bat for MikTeX;
-                  if you have MacOs X or heigher but don't want to use the 
-                                               prepared makefiles,
-                  THEN:
-1- Print and read frnotes.pdf (which is in french). This is the users
-   guide and the installation guide _for you_. A users guide is also provided
-   in the doc directory, this one is _for users_. 
-   Print also the file engines/*.pdf where
-   * is the name of your TeX engine (web2c, textures, tetex, ...).
-2- Are you willing to use keyboard.dat? to generate the 
-   7-bit <==> 8-bit translators you will need to complete installation, 
-   so update it to your needs in directory inputs.
-3- kb7to8 and kb8to7 generation: look at kb2lex.tex
-4- Are you willing to create a new format with the french files? If yes, go
-   to the initex directory and then come back here.
-5- If you are not using the default keyboard encoding, 
-   translate fxabbrev.tex to frabbrev.tex with the pgm kb7to8.
-6- compile frlicense.dat (in the inputs directory) with LaTeX to start
-   your own one month trial period.
-7- Go to the tst directory for validation.
-8- If not already done: copy the inputs directory files to your usual
-   directory TEXINPUT (i.e. for everybody).
-Optionally, look at the contrib directory.
-I hope you enjoy it,
-    Bernard GAULLE   + e-French team

Deleted: trunk/Readme.txt
--- trunk/Readme.txt	2011-01-27 03:16:05 UTC (rev 51)
+++ trunk/Readme.txt	2011-01-27 03:23:40 UTC (rev 52)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-% README of the french style distribution (tst sub-directory)        2003/02/17
-%                                     Copyright Bernard Gaulle as in french.doc
-This material was designed to help (La)TeX users to test the french style
-files installation. 
-The files in this directory, as distributed by his author, are as follows:
-total 1760
--r--r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    5127 May 23 23:38 README
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard   21359 May 23 18:21 README_tst.pdf
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    4130 May 23 18:13 babellb.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    4179 May 23 15:37 babelplb.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    3522 May 23 18:13 frenT1lb.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    2954 May 23 18:13 frenchaa.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    2681 May 23 18:13 frenchab.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     436 May 23 18:13 frenchla.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     112 May 23 17:47 frenchlb.gls
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     432 May 23 20:21 frenchlb.ilg
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     643 May 23 20:21 frenchlb.ind
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    3632 May 23 18:13 frenchlb.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    3191 May 23 18:13 frenchll.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     741 May 23 18:13 frenchlm.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    1062 May 23 18:13 frenchln.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     417 May 23 18:13 frenchlr.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard  524564 May 23 17:48 frenchrf.dvi
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard   11458 May 23 18:13 frencht.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard  125091 May 23 18:12 fxench.tst
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     787 May 23 18:13 kbto.tex
-lrwxr-xr-x   1 bernard  staff         6 Feb 14 17:24 link_to_README -> README
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard   18208 May 23 18:13 mya4.sty
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard   40676 May 23 18:13 myfigure.ps
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    2214 May 23 18:13 mygglo.ist
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    3815 May 23 18:13 mylist.sty
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard   37153 May 23 18:13 mypsfig.sty
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    5486 May 23 18:13 mysmall.sty
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard    1339 May 23 18:13 nofrench.tex
--rw-r--r--   1 bernard  bernard     980 May 23 15:37 texxetlb.tex
-Quick description of contents:
-README.test   : the file you are reading.
-fxench.tst    : this file has to be converted to 8-bit and renamed french.tst;
-                this is the bi-lingual torture test basic file used to 
-                typeset the following documents:
-frenchlb.tex  : a french LaTeX book (to be compared at printing level
-                                      with frenchrf.dvi),
-frenT1lb.tex  : the same, but with T1 font encoding forced.
-babellb.tex   : the same, but french loaded by Babel
-babelplb.tex  : the same, but with frenchpro option of Babel
-texxetlb.tex  : the same to be run with any TeXXeT engine.
-frenchab.tex  : the same with AmsLaTeX.
-frenchlm.tex  : the same, loading the french style after  \documentstyle.
-frenchln.tex  : the same, loading the french style before \documentstyle.
-                          and testing the "poor man french style" option.
-frenchlr.tex  : a french LaTeX report
-frenchla.tex  : a french LaTeX article
-frenchll.tex  : a french LaTeX letter (just a test)
-frencht.tex   : a french TeX document
-nofrench.tex  : to test that french.dmy is running ok
-The previous files require:
-myfigure.ps   : an EPS face (not mine) 
-mygglo.ist    : the file is use with Makeindex to produce my glossary
-mylist.sty    : a verbatim style
-mypsfig.tex   : a version of psfig
-mysmall.sty   : only given for fun and any help...
-frenchlb.ind  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the index produced.
-frenchlb.gls  : for those who don't have makeindex, this is the glossary too.
-For comparison after installation:
-frenchrf.dvi  : the Torture test (frenchlb) document composed by the author.
-                (The program makeindex was used to produce the index 
-                 i.e. the .ind file and the glossary i.e. the .gls file)
-For kb7to8 and kb8to7 testing:
-kbto.tex      : a sample binary test file to adapt to your own keyboard.
-Your "TO DO" list:
-1- (I hope you have already generated kb7to8 and kb8to7)
-   Convert the file french.tst to 8-bit.
-   Adapt kbto.tex to your keyboard and apply kb7to8 and kb8to7 on it. Check
-   the outputs.
-2- Ensure your TEXINPUT path pointing to the inputs directory first. 
-   For LaTeX users: LaTeX frenchlb.tex 
-   For TeX users:     TeX frencht.tex
-3- Print the first 45 pages of frenchlb.dvi.
-4- Print the first 45 pages of frenchrf.dvi and then compare the outputs
-5- Go back to the main directory.
-Optional tests are provided, look at the files.
-%%      checksum        = "12182 52 312 2108"

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