[efrench] [28] Suppression du dossier 'MlTeX'.

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Revision: 28
Author:   mpg
Date:     2011-01-27 00:09:39 +0100 (Thu, 27 Jan 2011)
Log Message:
Suppression du dossier 'MlTeX'.

Documentation propre ?\195?\160 MlTeX, donc obsol?\195?\168te.

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/MlTeX/ALIRE_mltex.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/MlTeX/README
--- trunk/MlTeX/README	2011-01-26 23:09:34 UTC (rev 27)
+++ trunk/MlTeX/README	2011-01-26 23:09:39 UTC (rev 28)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-% README.mltex of the french style files distribution for \AllTeX 
-%                   Copyright Bernard Gaulle as in french_doc.pdf
-MlTeX or Multi-lingual TeX  brings an important 
-feature: it allows to run with a full ASCII 8-bit input
-(ISO-Latin 1 or any other standard you prefer) and 
-internally translate 8-bit characters to the corresponding
-pair: accent macro + letter (i.e. in systems where the 
-fonts does not contain the appropriate 8-bit characters).
-So, for example, if you want to write European languages
-like German or French with CMR fonts, you defintely need
-MlTeX if you want (among other things) a correct 
-MlTeX was designed by Michael Ferguson from the Canadian 
-INRS-Telecommunications, University du Quebec. 
-It is composed of various files.
-The major one is the change file in Web, for TeX itself.
-Applying this change file you would be able to create a
-running MlTeX on your machine. But you need probably to
-learn about many TeX tools... It's not always easy.
-This should not be necessary since all TeX engines based
-on Web2C offer the feature MlTeX.
-   MlTeX is now  maintained by Bernd Raichle
-                    Email: raichle@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
-MLTeX is copyright (C) 1990-92 by Michael J. Ferguson;
-MLTeX Version 2.2 is copyright (C) 1995 by B. Raichle.
-I would better suggest to get directly the binaries based
-on Web2C. In this case you only give the "-mltex" option for
-format creation ("-ini") to have the feature MlTeX.
-When using LaTeX it's possible to write \usepackage{mltex}
-to initialize all chars with diacritics.
-(on CTAN in  macros/latex/contrib/supported/mltex/)
-On my side i prefer using "kbconfig" at format creation
-(or \usepackage{keyboard} after) because it provides more
-features and less memory usage.
-  --bg
-PS: If you still want to generate your own MlTeX you could
-find its sources over the network via anonymous FTP 
-from CTAN in system/generic/mltex
-%%      checksum        = "39834 51 312 2107"

Deleted: trunk/MlTeX/README_mltex.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/MlTeX/link_to_README
--- trunk/MlTeX/link_to_README	2011-01-26 23:09:34 UTC (rev 27)
+++ trunk/MlTeX/link_to_README	2011-01-26 23:09:39 UTC (rev 28)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link README
\ No newline at end of file

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