[devel-heraia]New files

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I have created new files in order to make the program more flexible
and more readable.

ChangeLog :

        - Olivier Delhomme <heraia@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
          * src/decode.c file: here we should put all the stuff to decode and
            interpret data.
          * src/include/decode.h
          * src/ghex_heraia_interface.c file : here we should put all the stuff
            we need to communicate with the ghex widget.
          * src/include/ghex_heraia_interface.h
          * docs/test-suite : here we explain which data test-suite we have used
            to make the whome stuff working.

I'll provide in the future the diffs when i will have a svn or cvs access on the
hosting struct of the heraia project.

the current tar archive on the web site (http://heraia.tuxfamily.org/) reflects
the code in its state today.



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