Re: Re: [crisos] Darwinfox watchdog?

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the amount of devices deployed is currently little less than hundred. At the moment, as we now got the board more stable, we have no plans to upgrade to a new SDK, mainly because currently we have got a lot to do with another project. I presume we'll keep on with the current until we'll have to change to another architecture (summer 2010, latest).

Ludwig: Thanks for the comment, but due to some specific modifications, we will have to stick in current kernel version, so we'll have to stick with the Darwin .

About "trick":

The remaining concern on our side (after tweaking kernel_menuconfig to get the watchdog/softdog part visible) is that something would happen to the kernel (for example previously demonstrated forever -loop) before softdog starts, so we just inserted a counter to timer interrupt where HW watchdog is fed. During boot the timer interrupt has only certain amount of watchdog feeds to be done. This counter will go on until the softdog takes on the charge and clears the counter - or if the counter ends, chip reset is issued. There is also a modification in softdog; the softdog keeps on clearing the HWD counter.

And yet one thing: we've disabled the busybox's watchdog and now our application does the softdog feeding; so if the application decides to stop feeding softdog due to some fatal error or it gets stuck / crashes, the watchdog will get triggered. With this resolution we always get the watchdog eventually triggered, no matter for the cause. Of course, there is some kind of redundancy, but we need to be sure that the board gets reset, no matter what. Even an unnecessary reset is better than a jammed board in the middle of nowhere :D

I'll get the patches for the HWD / softdog changes if anyone would be interested on this kind of "hack" :) (Will publish them anyway, when I get myself to do the diff)


2009/10/16 Ludwig Trischberger <ludwig.trischberger@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Jouni,
in the past i also will be use the darwinfox SDK for the Foxboard LX832.
Now i use with success the 'older' but
complete SDK of acme systems

Regards, Ludwig

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von:    J S [SMTP:sippis1976@xxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet am:    Donnerstag, 15. Oktober 2009 14:16
An:     crisos@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff:        [!! SPAM]  Re: [crisos] Darwinfox watchdog?

Hi, and thanks for the reply.

The reason for using an outdated SDK is simply that we already have a lot of
products sold and in use. We are obligated to offer maintenance to our
customers, so at the moment it is hardly possible to upgrade the SDK.

BTW, problem is actually solved; some little patching to the
kernel_menuconfig did the trick :)

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