Re: [crisos] release 8.09-5 in SDK Openwrt

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Hi Mr.Smits,
im from germany (don't speak a good english) and in the past i use the
crisos-SDK on the foxboard. But, as you also can read this SDK are
outdated true Caudio Maginati, because hi works on the new Board Netus.
I use with success the 'older' but very complete acme-SDK on foxboard
LX832 with webserver, webcam, programming in html/ php and use
I2C-Hardware interface!

Regards Ludwug Trischberger

Am Freitag, den 04.09.2009, 09:30 +0200 schrieb Dirk Smits:
> GM,
> I'm trying to get the latest stable version loaded in the openwrt SDK.
> the command
> "svn co svn:// -r15375" does not give te
> wished result. How should I do this??
> Many thanks on forehand.
> Dirk Smits
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