[crisos] recent uvc-video driver-> kernel 2.6.26

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Hi everyone.

I am an italian student and I'm using CrisOs to develop a vision
system for mobile robots.

After a lot of investigation, it seems like the biggest change to get
a recent webcam to work on CrisOs is to enable the uvc-video driver.
Unfortunately, the kmod-uvc-video module present in the OpenWRT trunk
is obsolete, and this means that only some v4l2 format are supported
(I need a YUYV image, while uvc-streamer only works with MJPEG).

A patch has been released for the OpenWRT trunk to remove the
uvc-video module and enable the kernel bultin-in feature.
Unfortunately, this built-in feature is available on ly since kernel

My questions are:

- Is it possible to have somehow a 2.6.26+ kernel on CrisOs?
- Eventually, how could I compile the uvc-driver source code for CrisOs?
- Did anyone ever managed to grab a frame from a (recent) webcam using
CrisOs in an uncompressed format? I did, but with a very old philips

Thanks to anyone for your help.

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