Re: [crisos] RTC...

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I actually had the same problem and finally got the RTC working, with a little editing (partially copied from Alpha). This solution is just a workaround (or one might say, a hack)... but still, RTC is running now :^)

First of all, to find the chip: Dependencies had to be changed so that I2C can be disabled from kernel_menuconfig and yet DS1302 can be configured, just as with Alpha.

Now the RTC was found, but hwclock wasn't working. It returned error 515 (ENOIOCTLCMD). For ignoring this, I made a quick & dirty mod to ds1032.c driver (default case in ioctl-cmd switch case return 0 instead of ENOIOCTLCMD). I presume that this problem was caused by changed macro's in ds1302 driver (and it could be done more elegantly if necessary).

For getting RTC up, do the following:
1) get the two patches attached and copy them to openwrt/target/linux/etrax/patches-2.6.25/
2) remove the build_dir/linux_etrax and make ( just to get the patches included).
3) disable the I2C from kernel menuconfig and check that ds1302 is enabled
4) make & write the firmware

Please bear in mind that these mod's work only for the RTC, I don't need the I2C bus, so there might as well be problems on that side...

If there actually is a way to make the DS1302 and I2C running without patches, I'd be also interested.

Regards, Zoni

Attachment: 123_etrax_rtc_fix_deps.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: 123_etrax_ds1302_ign_unk.patch
Description: Binary data

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