[crisos] Helloworld is not working

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Im newbie to CrisOs and im trying to follow "How to compile your application" but it fails.  Here is make output:

cc -c -o main.o main.c,

cc -c -o hello.o hello.c,

cc main.o hello.o -o helloworld,

helloworld, make: helloworld: Command not found,

make: ***[helloworld] Error 127

It makes the binary output, but I cat find this application with feed update and feed search.

Any idea what to do? And one more question: does any body have experience with mono on CrisOS?

Thanks Jirka

Bc. Jiri Kubias
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
dept. of Control Engineering
Karlovo namesti 13/E, 121 35 Prague
Czech Republic

web page: http://dce.felk.cvut.cz
e-mail: jiri.kubias@xxxxxxxxx
mobile: 777 974167

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