[crisos] Some news and update

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CrisOs important news and update

Today some news and update from crisos project. We have major change
on all project items, let me explain it:

1) Svn reorganization
Some user report problem/mistake using svn so I reorganize a bit the
svn tree. At the moment the svn tree appear as follows:

svn root
          alpha           -this directory contain the old trunk
          darwinfox     - this directory contain the new system for
build darwinfox (see below)
          package      - crisos specific packages

For more info refer to:

2) Darwinfox
BUG: The darwinfox release 8.09 is bugged due to mysterious problem
with opkg [3], as workaround I release a version of darwinfox with
ipkg and opkg both installed,  the release is [4] 8.09-1
If opkg return an error try to copy configuration file and use ipkg
(cp /etc/opkg.conf /etc/ipkg.conf)

REMEMBER: Some user report error with kmod-usb-core, i like to
remember that this package is not avaible on darwinfox due to axis
kernel structure (is not possible compile the usb support as module)
so use 'ipkg/opkg --force-depends' instread

BUILD IT: I'm developing a system to easily manage a list of patches
needed to implement crisos on the top of openwrt.
The system at the moment can be checkout from svn/target/darwinfox
(this load also svn:externals openwrt) and is very simple a stupid(but
works) method for apply a list of patch to openwrt; any suggestion for
improve it is welcome!
For information on this system read

3) Community
I believe that Crisos website should be more community! Don't write
direct to my mailbox but use this mailing list for
I also register CrisOs inside [5] Ohloh, please report your use, add
yourself to user map and rate the project!

4) Web site
I decide to drop the location for crisos website because this
translation are no longer update (some maintainers?) .
Part of the web site has been updated with latest svn change but some
error should be in place, please report/correct it.
The website English is not real English (anyone is invited to
correct/fix English error) or explain some mysterious sentences.

5) Repository
I clean-up a bit the darwinfox repository and upload new item like:
kmod-mac80211, kmod-rt73usb, kmod-ipt, kmod-net-zd1211rw ,
kmod-rt2500usb, mtd_8, yapp
The major release has been done:
Day                    Packages
2008-Jul-04          76
2008-Jul-05        488
2008-Jul-06          23
2008-Sep-02      112
2008-Sep-05      143
2008-Sep-30       13

TOTAL             ~850


[3] http://crisos.org/flyspray/index.php?do=details&task_id=10
[4] http://download.tuxfamily.org/crisos/darwinfox/
[5] http://www.ohloh.net/projects/crisos
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