[crisos] firmware crisos-darwinfox-8.09 and kmod-fox-mmc problem

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I found a other error, I hope to be useful to write in this list.
I flashed the FoxBoard with the crisos-darwinfox-8.09, after I did this command:

root@CrisOs:~# ipkg update
Downloading http://download.tuxfamily.org/crisos/repository/darwinfox/all/Packages
Updated list of available packages in /usr/lib/ipkg/lists/main
Successfully terminated.
root@CrisOs:~# ipkg install kmod-fox-mmc
Installing kmod-fox-mmc ( to root...
Downloading http://download.tuxfamily.org/crisos/repository/darwinfox/all/kmod-fox-mmc_2.6.25.10+0.1-etrax-3_cris.ipk
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 1.
Collected errors:
ERROR: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for kmod-fox-mmc:
     kernel (=

With my self-compile crisos-alpha_832 firmware, the package name is different (it is kmod-mmc) and it works after a restart. After installing the module, I found the device in /dev ( /dev/mmc and /dev/mmc1 ).
Is crisos-darvinfox-8.09 old?

If I want to start a new project with the Foxboard and CrisOs, which version  do you suggest?
I need to use the i2c bus and the mmc. I have the FOXZB.


Ing. Matteo Paoli
System Administrator and Software Engineer

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