Re: [cllfst] demande de désinscription |
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Veuillez me désinscrire de votre mailing list..Merci2014-05-28 20:50 GMT+02:00 heni hbaieb <hhbaieb@xxxxxxxxx>:HeniBest RegardsHi,I see many message like this "Veuillez me désinscrire de votre mailing list".
Please STOP those kind of spam.
Ahmed, I remember that in the site we have a "unsubscribe" topic, is it always ?
So I propose two solutions.
- We should keep "unsubscribe" on the site, no "login" needed, (my be a confirmation by a code sent by email is required)
- We can also send automatically a comment below every message send throw the ML with the unsubscribe link . To be easy for every one to unsubscribe form the ML.
- Every subscription on ML should be done manually by the concerned person "an acceptation check box in the register form on the site".
The easy way, is to remove outright this ML. Because it is practically dead.
And I think that the CLL is dead also when you started discuss privately.
--2014-05-27 15:10 GMT+01:00 Ahd BK <3ahdos@xxxxxxxxx>:
same here :) Bou7mid ya goulLe 27 mai 2014 08:21, Ahmed Bessifi <ahmed.bessifi@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Salem alaykom,
Qui peux m'accorder les droits nécessaires pour gérer la ML.
Note : J'ai uniquement les permissions sur
AhmedLe 27 mai 2014 01:52, Ghanmy Homem <homemgh@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
mooi aussii SVP :)Le 27 mai 2014 01:46, imen ben brahim <imen_benbrahim@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
moi aussi svp et merci
Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 01:12:54 +0100
Subject: Re: [cllfst] demande de désinscription
From: marwa.ounalli@xxxxxxxxx
To: cllfst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSame here . Thanks for your understandingLe 26 mai 2014 16:31, Mouna MAAMER <mouna8154@xxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Veuillez me désinscrire de votre mailing list.MerciMouna--Cordialement,Marwa Ounalli
Élève ingénieur à la faculté des sciences de TunisPrésidente du club InfoplusContact : (+216) 21 786 162Site web: www.clubinfoplus.com_________________________________________![]()
--"We build software for people who build software.."
Ahmed Bessifi
DevOps Engineer in IMDEV.
Engineer degree in computer systems and networks.
Member in CLLFST club.
Member in open vSwitch community.
Ben Kheder Ahd
Cnseiller National JCI Tunisia - Coach JCI
Mobile : +216 24 426 650
ahd.bk | Email: ahd.bk@xxxxxxx
Heni HbaiebComputer EngineerLinux LPIC-2 certifiedSTMicroelectronics
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