Re : [cllfst] E-learning plataform

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Dokeos moodle claroline.

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From: arfaoui youssef <arfafreeyouss@xxxxxxxxx>;
To: <cllfst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; cullt <CULLT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: [cllfst] E-learning plataform
Sent: Tue, Jun 3, 2014 6:48:34 AM

Good morning 

I have project of e-learning platform for kids, I want to use as much as possible an open source solutions. The project basic idea is guiding young people through videos and courses available with the assistance of online teachers. Each student will have a personal coach who will elaborate a study plan for him/her to understand easily some subjects they are having difficulties with, in learning it by heart or through theoretical explanation. 

So I'm looking for an open source solution to implement this project. 

Please, Could you advice me? Any idea or suggestion...
Youssef Arfaoui

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