Re: [cllfst] vote de slogant JLL 2012

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slogan 1 : Source ouverte source de découverte

2012/3/8 mohamed alibi <alibimohamed@xxxxxxxxx>
Salem as well as Doniya :

slogan 8 :Linux! Be Ready to Fly... We will provide you the Wings.

+2 taw :p

On Thu, Mar 8, 2012 at 3:32 PM, donia chaouch <chaouchdonia@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

bon moi je choisie le
slogan 8 :Linux! Be Ready to Fly... We will provide you the Wings.

Mohamed Alibi
Student in the University of Sciences Tunis El Manar
Technical Support at Group LIVGM Pasteur Institute 13, place Pasteur, B.P. 74 1002 Tunis, Belvedere Tunisia
Tel: +216 22 419 753
Fax: +216 71 791 833
E-mail: alibimohamed@xxxxxxxxx

Feten El Feki 

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