[cllfst] Fwd: [sfd 2010 Tunisia] Fwd: Zayed University Competition in IT

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From: MS Ouerghi <ouerghi@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2010/11/9
Subject: [sfd 2010 Tunisia] Fwd: Zayed University Competition in IT
To: sfd_tunisia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, dfsa_commity@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, cullt <CULLT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tunisian Ubuntu LoCo Team Mailing List <ubuntu-tn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, fedora-tunisia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Zayed University Competition in IT

Abu Dhabi, UAE

April 28th 2011

The College of Information Technology at Zayed University and the Software Engineering Research Laboratory (GELOG) in Montreal in Canada are motivating the undergraduate students to participate to this competition. The students can participate in either category:

ZISE Web Application: The students will create a complete web application for Zayed Institute for Software engineering. Zayed University will establish Zayed Institute for Software Engineering (ZISE) to teach the fundamental principles of software engineering, to certify these engineering skills and give the proper training to the potential employers, to enhance the research in this field, to close the gap between the academia and the industry as well as to build a bridge to other institutes worldwide. The web application will include all the information about ZISE as well as a full implementation for all its services.

UOBSERVE Software Specification: The students have to study the UOBSERVE Software Specification to find out the defects. The competition is about finding the highest number of defects in that document. Experts can find up to 200 defects. The students are encouraged to look at standards and models to help them finding these defects and give suggestions of how to improve the document.

IT Project: The students may implement a complete IT application in order to solve an existing problem. The students can be creative to demonstrate their IT skills in many field such as Computer Forensics, Computer Programming, Web Applications Development, Telecommunications, etc.


For each project, we will have three winners and they will be chosen by a committee of faculty. The results will be announced in a big festival and they will be awarded three prizes for this competition, namely:

  • 10,000 dhs for the 1st place,

  • 7,000 dhs for the 2nd place and

  • 5,000 dhs for the 3rd place.

The other students will get certificates of participation.


December 30th, 2010: This date is the last day to send an email to Dr.. Manar Abu Talib specifying the following details:

Supervisor name and email.
Students' names and emails.
University name.
City and Country.
Competition Category.

February 28th, 2011: Final submission of the project.

March 30th, 2011: Announcing the best 10 projects in each category.

April 28th, 2011: The festival day in Zayed University in Abu Dhabi Campus and announcing the 3 winners in each category.

To learn more about the competition visit the following link: http://www.zu.ac.ae/zise

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Manar Abu Talib

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Dr. Mohamed Saïd OUERGHI
M.Assistant, ENSI  -  Univ. Manouba (Tunisie)
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