[casetta] Feedback about Casetta 0.3dev SVN 134

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Just a very small feedback about Casetta 0.3.

Casetta_gtk :
The interface is very good and very easy to use. Functions are easy to access : create a new program, convert a picture into a program, or a screencapture.
Syntax hilighting is working ;-), although it sometimes have a strange behaviour when there are small errors (This is not a problem at all !).
However, there is still this famous bug described here : http://perso.orange.fr/xion345/casetta bug.ogg and here : http://perso.orange.fr/xion345/casetta_gtk-open-close-bug.ogg which appears when creating a new data after closing a data.

I tested the new interface to send/receive programs,backups on Linux (Python 2.5, Graph 65) and had no problem at all.

Picture management :
There are still problems with images. Look at the tux3.png in attachments. When sending it to my claculator the background (iwhc should be white) appears green. I think the problem comes from the normalize functions.

Backups and extractions:
It is a good idea to make a new function from the find_prgm_names and find_prgm_passwords.

Fabien ANDRE aka Xion345
Linux User #418689 -- fabien.andre.g@xxxxxxxxxx -- xion345@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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