[CBLX] Re: VINUX-SUPPORT: Re: [Slint] No sound from Slint on Lifebook a555

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as I had still bad news from testers with HDA Intel boards
and two output (PCH + HDMI), I have again modified the
installer and provided a new mini ISO here: 
I have edited accordingly this document:
so please read again its beginning.

I am still eager of a feedback from folks who didn't have
sound with the previous mini ISO.

@ Philippe: j'attends aussi ton retour. 

Thanks in advance and best regards,


On 05/03/2019 16:31, Didier Spaier wrote:
> Hello,
> A new and hopefully better testing mini-ISO is available here.
> http://slackware.uk/slint/x86_64/slint-testing/iso/
> It is named slint64-
> I have written down instructions to get it and use it for
> testing then reporting your findings in this document:
> http://slackware.uk/slint/x86_64/slint-testing/iso/TESTING.mini
> Happy (and fast, if possible) testing!
> Best,
> Didier
> On 03/03/2019 22:59, Didier Spaier wrote:
>> Hi Lukasz,
>> I am trying to get better results and will provide a new mini ISO
>> to test, as I have looked at how sound card probing is done in
>> a recent Debian testing installer.
>> Meanwhile, to investigate it would help that you run the attached
>> scripts "alsa-info.sh" in Debian or Talking Arch as that would give
>> all information needed about your hardware and sound configuration.
>> Just run it like this as regular user:
>> sh alsa-info.sh
>> confirm that you want all info (OK)
>> then when asked choose "save locally".
>> It will output a file in /tmp whose name begins in:
>> alsa-info.txt.XXXX
>> Please attach it you your next message or send it
>> to me directly (didier at slint dot fr).
>> @Dave and Eric: please do this too in a running
>> system where sound works, as soon as possible.
>> Best,
>> Didier
>> On 03/03/2019 22:29, Lukasz Golonka wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've downloaded Slint both full and mini iso, and tried
>>> booting it on my Fujitsu Lifebook a555. Unfortunately there was no
>>> sound from both of them. On Debian and Talking Arch sound works. This
>>> laptop has in addition to the build-in sound card an HDMI port which is
>>> probably giving Slint troubles.  Is there anything which could be done
>>> to improve the sound card detection script to handle this situation
>>> better? If anymore info is needed on my part please. ask.
>>> --
>>> Lukasz
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