[CBLX] ah! un nouveau TTS pour Linux ? |
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Hello !
quelqu'un sait nous en dire plus, voir nous faire écouter quelque chose
(via lien, mp3) ? Es-ce un TTS Kali remis à flots et donc plus apte à
"concurrencer" les voix de type Elant / Acapela / VoiceOver / TalkBack (pour
citer un exemple que tout le modne comprend) ?
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On Thu, 3 Nov 2016, MENGUAL Jean-Philippe wrote:
We are proud announcing release of Kali for GNU/Linux. It includes:
- three French speaking voices: Patrick, Michel and Guillemette;
- two French speaking voices: Tom and Rosalind.
Kali is slight, understandable and fast, nearly natura-speaking. You can
set usual parameters, and also prosody. With Orca, you can decide to
affect a voice according to what you're reading: link, uppercase word,
regular word.
I tried and felt as if I had a new screen reader! You can test a
45-minutes demonstration release on-demand. If you want to install it
forever, xou can buy it for 85 euros. It is the balance between quality,
wise cost, for a product manufactured by people who are casy to be
contacted for any improvement, although the program is not free. Of
course, Hypra provides the product with suitable speech-dispatcher
module, which is being shipped upstream as a free program.
Any feedback or test request is welcome. Here's samples:
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
HYPRA, progressons ensemble
Tél.: 01 84 73 06 61
Mail: contact@xxxxxxxx
Site Web: http://hypra.fr
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