[CBLX] faire de l'enregistrement multipistes en ligne de commande: Announcing Nama multitrack recorder version 1.203

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Je fais suivre une info postée par Joël Roth sur la mliste anglophone
Blinux-list; cela semble être le bidule qu'il nous faut, qui donne
accès à Ecasound d'une façon aisée, en ligne de commande !

----- Forwarded message from Joel Roth <joelz pobox.com> -----

Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 09:57:02 -1000
From: Joel Roth <joelz pobox.com>
To: blinux-list redhat.com
Subject: Announcing Nama multitrack recorder version 1.203

This mail is to let you know about Nama[1], a multitrack
recorder / digital audio workstation with a command-line
user interface. Nama is suitable for console users, and has
been used for projects much more complicated than would be
practical using Ecasound alone[2]. A mailing list is
available for questions and discussion[3].

Details follow.

I welcome feedback from any tire-kicking, torture-testing etc. 




Nama is a digital audio workstation. It is suitable for
multitrack recording, effects-processing, editing, mixing,
and other audio tasks. Nama uses Ecasound, developed by Kai
Vehmanen, for audio processing. Nama hosts LADSPA and LV2
plugins, Ecasound effects and controllers. It works well
under JACK and ALSA.

New projects begin with a mixer, and may include tracks,
takes, buses, effects, sends, inserts, marks, regions,
fades, edits, sequences and submixes, with mixdown to wav,
ogg, mp3.

Nama has a full-featured command interpreter with TAB
completion, keyword help and command history; a hotkey mode
for tweaking effect parameters, a Tk-based GUI, and project
management (history, branching, tags) based on git.


The easiest way to install Nama, is using a CPAN
client such as cpan or cpanm:

    cpanm Audio::Nama
    PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 cpan Audio::Nama

Other dependencies are Ecasound, LADSPA SDK (for LADSPA
plugin support), LILV utilities (for LV2 plugin support),
and midish (for MIDI capabilities).

1. http://freeshell.de/~bolangi/cgi1/nama.cgi/00home.html
2. http://juliencoder.de/nama/music.html
3. http://www.freelists.org/list/nama

Joel Roth
----- End of forwarded message ----- 


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