[CBLX] INFO - Sonar GNU/Linux - An Accessible Operating System Focused On Assistive Technology

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Depuis BrlSpeak (BRaiLleSPEAK), ensuite Oralux, et plus récemment le projet 
VInux, elles n'ont cessé d'arriver les (nouvelles) initiatives alternatives 
proposant une "autre" mouture (plus accessible) de Gnu/Linux, où 
l'accessibilité est au centre de toute préoccupation: 
avec TalkingArch et Sonar GNU/Linux en voici deux de plus au firmament, 
dont je ne fais la promo mais souhaite tout simplement relayer l'info ou 
dumoins la porter à votre connaissance.
Avec les distros de dépannage (à la Knoppix et GRML) + les distros
principales (Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu), le logiciel libre et ouvert montre
à quel point il est capable d'offrir de multiples réponses à de nombreuses 
demandes variées!
Après c'est à chacun de choisir le goût qu'il/elle aime! vanille, pistache
ou chocolat!!!

	Sonar GNU/Linux  - An Accessible Operating System Focused On
	Assistive Technology
URL: http://sonargnulinux.com/


Sonar GNU/Linux

Free Assistive Technology and Accessible Computing

   Do you need an accessible operating system that features top-notch
   assistive technology? You have come to the right place. Your search is
   over. Sonar GNU/Linux is the perfect fit for you.

   Sonar GNU/Linux doesn´t replace proprietary operating systems, but is
   an ideal alternative. Some differences exist between GNU/Linux and
   proprietary operating systems, and you may encounter a small learning
   curve when understanding GNU/Linux´s structure and system. However,
   there are many similarities to your current proprietary system and
   Sonar offers new technology with unparalleled quality.

   Enjoy Sonar's Free Software, Never have to worry again about paying for
   that next upgrade or to get the features or functionality you’ve been
   looking for.

   Sonar is the most accessible operating system with free assistive
   technology. Sonar offers the following adaptive technology:
   1. a screen reader for blind and low vision people called Orca.
   2. a magnification program to help magnify the screen for low vision
   3. an on-screen keyboard for people who have low motor skills and
   experience difficulty using a keyboard. (The on-screen keyboard can be
   used with a mouse or trackball to navigate the keyboard on the screen.
   4. a font for people with dyslexia.

   Join the mailing list and get involved. Ask for a feature request and
   help us make Sonar even better. Sonar is sponsored by the Accessible
   Computing Foundation. Join our community and take control of your
   computing and assistive technology today.



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