[CBLX] daisyreader.pl

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c'est aux spécialistes PERL que je m'adresse:
j'ai un script .pl de Yannick Plassiard, ce script servait jusqu'à présent
d'alternative au daisy player de J. Lemmens pour lire des CDs Daisy (livres,
malheureusement il ne semble plus vouloir fonctionner, pourtant s'il n'avait
pas fonctionén dès le début de l'installation de ma Debian je ne l'aurait
pas laissé traîner dans mon répo /usr/local/bin
Question: qq'un peut-il y jeter un coup d'oeil, voir faire un essai ?
J'ai la revue la canne blanche de notre ligue braille, on sait lancer le
script mais pas le faire lire, ni une cellule, ni un chapitre, ni une page.

Yan si tu nous lis ...

sinon tout avis / analyse et solution d'un connaisseur PERL m'intéresse!
D'avance merci.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## daisyreader.pl for DaisyReader in /home/yan/Daisy/
## Made by Yannick PLASSIARD
## Login   <yan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
## Started on  Wed Jun 30 10:08:47 2004 Yannick PLASSIARD
## Last update Sat Jul 24 00:52:38 2004 Yannick PLASSIARD

## send comments to me. ;-)

use	strict;

my      $debug = 1; # 1 if you want lots of output
my      $version = '0.3';
my	$mode; # refers to the current viewing mode
my	$choice = undef;
my	%cells;
my	%chapters;
my	%pages;
my      %config;
my	$view;
my	$continue_reading;
my      $configdir = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.daisyreader/";
my      $configfile = 'config';
my      $daisydir;
my	%book;

$| = 1;

##### SUBS #####

sub	getline
    my	$default = shift;
    my	$res = <>;

    $res = $default if ($res =~ /^$/ && defined($default));
    return $res;

## load_config : Loads program's configuration 

sub    load_config
    my $line;

    unless (-d $configdir)
	print "No directory .daisyreader in your home, creating one...\n";
	if (mkdir($configdir) == 0)
	    print "\aError creating directory: $!\n";
	    return 0;
	print "Creating config file ...\n";
	open(FD, ">$configdir/$configfile") 
	  or die("Cannot create config file: $!\n");
	print FD <<EOF
# DaisyReader Configuration file
    $line = 'z';
    open(FD, "$configdir/$configfile") or die("Cannot open $configdir/$configfile for reading: $!\n");
    while (eof(FD) == 0)
	$line = <FD>;
	next if ($line =~ /^\#.*$/);
	if ($line =~ /LAST\_PATH=(.*)/i)
	    $config{'path'} = $1;
	if ($line =~ /VIEW=(chapter|page|cell)/i)
	    $config{'view'} = $1;
	if ($line =~ /^CONTINUE_PLAYING=(yes|no)/i)
	    $config{'contplay'} = $1;
    if (defined($debug))
	print "Configuration summary:\n";
	print "$_=$config{$_}\n" foreach (sort keys %config);

## parse_toc': Parses HTML and XML files to build cells' index.

sub	parse_toc
    my	$line = 'Line';;

    my	$id = 1;
    my	$id_page = 1;
    my	$id_chapter = 1;

    unless (open(NCC, "$daisydir/ncc.html")
	or open(NCC, "$daisydir/NCC.html"))
	print "Error opening the NCC file: $!\n";
	print "Please ensure that this is a Daisy-book format.\n";
    while (defined($line))
	$line = <NCC>;
	next if (!defined($line));
	if ($line =~ /\<title\>(.+)\<\/title\>/i)
	    $book{'title'} = $1;
	    $book{'title'} = "Unspecified" if ($1 =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name\=\"NCC:Format\"\s+content\=\"(.*)\".*\>/i)
	    $book{'format'} = $1;
	    $book{'format'} = "Unspecified" if ($1 =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name\=\"NCC:Publisher\"\s+content\=\"(.*)\".*\>/i)
	    $book{'publisher'} = $1;
	    $book{'publisher'} = "Unspecified" if ($book{'publisher'} =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name\=\"NCC:Identifier\"\s+content\=\"(.*)\".*\>/i)
	    $book{'identifier'} = $1;
	    $book{'identifier'} = "Unspecified" if ($book{'identifier'} =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name\=\"ncc:totaltime\"\s+content\=\"(.*)\".*\>/i)
	    $book{'time'} = $1;
	    $book{'time'} = "Not Available" if ($1 =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name=\"dc:date\"\s+content=\"([^\"]*).*\>/i)
	      $book{'date'} = $1;
	      $book{'date'} = "Not available" if ($1 =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<meta\s+name=\"dc:creator\"\s+content=\"(.*)\".*\>/i)
	      $book{'author'} = $1;
	      $book{'author'} = "Unspecified" if ($1 =~ /^\s*$/);
	if ($line =~ /\<[aA]\s[hH][rR][eE][fF]\=\"(.*)\.smil#(.*)\"\>(.*)\<\/[aA]\>/i)
	    $cells{$id}{'title'} = $3;
	    $cells{$id}{'smil'} = "$1.smil";
	    $cells{$id}{'part'} = $2;

	    # We also put it in the page / chapter index depending on the title

	    if ($cells{$id}{'title'} =~ /^\d+$/)
	    { # this is a page
		$pages{$id_page}{'title'} = $cells{$id}{'title'};
		$pages{$id_page}{'smil'} = $cells{$id}{'smil'};
		$pages{$id_page}{'part'} = $cells{$id}{'part'};
	    { # this is a chapter
		$chapters{$id_chapter}{'title'} = $cells{$id}{'title'};
		$chapters{$id_chapter}{'smil'} = $cells{$id}{'smil'};
		$chapters{$id_chapter}{'part'} = $cells{$id}{'part'};

## select_chapter: presents a choice of cells and asks the user for one.

sub	select_chapter()
    my $end = 0;
    my $start = 0;

    $mode = \%pages if ($config{'view'} =~  /page/i);
    $mode = \%chapters if ($config{'view'} =~ /chapter/i);
    $mode = \%cells if ($config{'view'} =~ /page/i);

    $continue_reading = 0;
    $choice = undef;
    while (!defined($choice) || $choice !~ /^[cChHpPqQ]$|^\d+$|^$/)
	  for (my $id = 1; defined(${$mode}{$id}) && $choice =~ /^$/; )
	      my	$i;
	      print "Page list:\n" if($view =~ /pages/i);
	      print "Chapter list:\n" if ($view =~ /chapter/i);
	      print "Cell list:\n" if ($view =~ /cell/i);
	      for ($i = 0; $i < 23 && defined(${$mode}{$id}); $i++)
		  print "$id: ${$mode}{$id++}{'title'}\n";
	      print "Your choice (Enter=NextPage, C=Cells, H=cHapters, P=Pages, Q=Quit) ? ";
	      $choice = getline();
    $view = "page" if ($choice =~ /^p$/i);
    $view = "chapter" if ($choice =~ /^h$/i);
    $view = "cell" if ($choice =~ /^c$/i);
    if ($choice =~ /^[qQ]$/)
	print "Really quit DaisyReader [yN]? ";
	$choice = getline('n');
	if ($choice =~ /^y/i)
	      print "Thank you for using DaisyReader!\n";
	      exit 0;
	return ;
    if ($choice =~ /^\d+$/)
	my	$quit = 0;

	for (my $id = 1; $quit != 1; $id++)
	    $quit = 1 if (!defined($cells{$id}));
	    print "${$mode}{$choice}{'title'} -> $cells{$id}{'title'}\n" if (defined($debug));
	    if ($cells{$id}{'title'} eq ${$mode}{$choice}{'title'})
		$quit = 1;
		$start = $id;
	for (my $id = $start + 1, $quit = 0; $quit != 1; $id++)
	    $quit = 1 if (!defined($cells{$id}));
	    if ($cells{$id}{'title'} eq ${$mode}{$choice + 1}{'title'})
		print "Setting the end to $cells{$id}{'title'} -> ${$mode}{$choice + 1}{'title'}\n" if (defined($debug));
		$end = $id;
		$quit = 1;
	return if (&read_chapter($start, $end));
	if ($continue_reading == 1)
	    while (defined($cells{$start}))
		return if (&read_chapter($start) == 1);
	print "Press enter to go back to the list...";

## read_chapter: attempts to read a specified chapter.

sub	read_chapter($$)
    my	$id = shift;
    my  $end = shift;
    my	$line = 'Line';
    my	$choice = undef;

    if (!defined($cells{$id}))
	print "\aERROR:  invalid chapter ID.\n";
	print "Press enter to continue...";
    while (!defined($choice) && $continue_reading == 0)
	print "Only read this cell/page/chapter [default yes] ? ";
	$choice = getline('yes');
	$continue_reading = 0 if ($choice =~ /^[Yy]/);
	$continue_reading = 1 if ($choice =~ /^[Nn]/);
	$choice = undef if ($choice !~ /^[YnyN]/);
    print "Reading chapter $cells{$id}{'title'} ...\n";
    $end = $id + 1 if (!defined($end) || $end == 0);
    print "Playing from $id to $end.\n";
    for (my $i = $id; $i < $end; $i++)
	# print "$i\n";
	my       $next_cell = 0;
	my	$smilfile = $daisydir . '/' . $cells{$i}{'smil'};
	unless(open(SMIL, $smilfile))
	    print "\aCannot open chapter-specific file $daisydir/$cells{$i}{'smil'}...\n";
	    print "Press enter to continue...";
	    return ;
	$line = 'Line';
	while (defined($line))
	    $line = <SMIL>;
	    next if (!defined($line));
	    if ($line =~ /.*id=\"(.*)\"/)
		# print "Found ID $1 in $smilfile\n";
		if ($1 eq $cells{$i}{'part'})
		    # print "Found ID $1\n";
		    $line = <SMIL> while ($line !~ /.*\<audio.*/);
		    if (!defined($line) && $continue_reading)
			print "\aERROR: Audio tag not found matching ID $cells{$i}{'part'}\n";
			print "Press enter to continue...";
		    while ($line =~ /\<audio\s+src=\"(.*)\"\s+clip-begin=\"npt=(.*)\"\s+clip-end=\"npt=([^\"]*)\".*\/\>/)
			my	$start = $2;
			my	$file = $1;
			my	$end = $3;

			$start =~ s/s$//g;
			$end =~ s/s$//g;
			my	$duration = sprintf "%.3f", $end - $start;
			print "Playing $file from $start to $end ($duration) ...\n";
			$next_cell = 1;
			system("madplay -v --start=$start -t $duration $daisydir/$file") == 0 or return 1;
			$line = <SMIL>;
	if ($next_cell == 0)
	    print "Chapter's ID $cells{$id}{'title'} was not found in any SMIL file.\n";
	    print "Press enter to continue...";
	$next_cell = 0;


print "DaisyReader.pl version $version starting.\n";
print "Copyright (C) 2004 Yannick PLASSIARD <yan\@mistigri.org>.\n";
print "This program is FREE SOFTWARE. Please see the COPYING file included with this\n";
print "program to know what FREE SOFTWARE means.\n";

print "Loading configuration file ...\n";
$view = $config{'view'};
$continue_reading = $config{'contplay'};
print "\nPlease enter the path to your book [$config{'path'}] ? ";
$choice = &getline($config{'path'});

# Just check if the directory is valid.
opendir(DIR, $choice) || die"Cannot open Daisy Directory $choice: $!\nExiting.\n";

# Scanning the table of contents opening the ncc.html file.

print "Scanning table of contents...\n";
$daisydir = $choice;

print "Book's informations\n----------------------\n";
foreach my $k (keys(%book))
    print "$k : $book{$k}\n";
print "Pess enter to continue ...";

while (1)

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