Re: [CBLX] deux beeps au lieu d'u nseul

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Aldo, le Sat 25 May 2013 12:23:18 +0200, a écrit :
> si je veux avoir deux beeps dans grub2, au lieu d'un seul (trop court je
> trouve), que dois-je faire dans /etc/default/grub ?

Cf la doc de la commande play de grub:

14.3.35 play

 -- Command: play file | tempo [pitch1 duration1] [pitch2 duration2] ...
     Plays a tune
     If the argument is a file name (*note File name syntax::), play
     the tune recorded in it.  The file format is first the tempo as an
     unsigned 32bit little-endian number, then pairs of unsigned 16bit 
     little-endian numbers for pitch and duration pairs.              
     If the arguments are a series of numbers, play the inline tune.

     The tempo is the base for all note durations. 60 gives a 1-second
     base, 120 gives a half-second base, etc.  Pitches are Hz.  Set
     pitch to 0 to produce a rest.

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