Re: [CBLX] Pour Samuel : Installateur Debian avec espeakup reste muet |
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Gregory Fardel, le Fri 24 Aug 2012 10:58:45 +0200, a écrit :
> J'ai essayé de regarder rapidement ce que me disait amixer, puis essayer de
> régler le volume avec "amixer set Master 50". Mais rien n'y fait.
If speech synthesis does not come up, we need information to find out
where the bug is. Inside the installer, press alt-f2 to switch to a
shell console, press enter to start the shell, and type
amixer scontrols
and post the output to debian-accessibility@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so we
can know whether a sound card was detected and what the volume level
names are. If only an error message shows up, or if you do not have
resources to be able to read the shell console, please try to run a
live CD, make sound work with it, and post the output of lsmod to
debian-accessibility@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx so we can know what sound driver
is missing.
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