[CBLX] à propos d'OCR: Fwd: sath.linux@...: EASY-OCR-4.0 Released

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----- Forwarded message from sathayn linux <sath.linux gmail.com> -----

From: sathayn linux 
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 21:24:48 +0530
EASY-OCR-4.0 Released

We are happy to release EASY-OCR-4.0 With much Structural changes

What is easy-ocr :

Now a visually impaired person can read print in 24 languages using this
free software.

Run folowing comands on terminal
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystilleef/scribes-daily
sudo apt-get update

download deb file from here
http://easy-ocr.googlecode.com/files/easy-ocr-4.0.deb open it and install

New features.

1. Structural change.
   easy-ocr now appears with a perfect window so that the software has
become very easy to handle.

2. Brightness checker perfected with the support of larger dictionaries We
understand that the role of brightness or
   threshold is very important. One shall get the maximum efficiency out of
the ocr engines if only the scanning is done at
   the appropriate values. For this reason we recommend the use of
brightness checker, Immediately after you have completed
   the settings. Please use the page of the book most typical of the whole

3. Number of pages. one can set the number of pages to be scanned in
advance using settings menu.

4. Scan with full auto rotation feature is made faster and efficient.

5. Audio converter now has language selection.

6. Settings wizard is now changed to single window.

7. Easy-ocr will now appear in the Graphics Menu.

How to use EASY-OCR

One can use easy-ocr in two ways. first one is to scan and produce text
from the program itself and second one is to produce the text from the
folder containing image. in order to start scanning using the program,
please follow the steps given below.

Setting the scanner

Go to graphics  menu and enter easy-ocr. Then enter the settings and give
the values for number of pages to be scanned, Time between repeated
scanning, resolution, brightness or threshold, scan area, language and
engine. In order to listen to the values entered press the say button and
press apply button to save the new settings. if you want to continue with
the old settings please press continue with existing button.  In the
settings. All the changes you have made in the settings will be kept until
further changes are made.


Now go to easy-ocr menu and select either scan or scan with full auto
rotation. in the scan mode, the program will ask for the file name. after
entering the filename select the rotation mode. if you are sure of the
angle in witch you have kept the book , select the manual mode and check
the degree of rotation. if you are not sure of the angle, please select the
automatic mode and scanning will be done in order to determine the rotation
needed. then the rotation selected will be kept and you have to start from
the first page itself.be careful not to change the angle kept in the
beginning. after each scanning, the page number will be announced and after
hearing one, you can press add button and start reading along with
scanning. if you are totally unaware of the angle in witch the papers are
kept, you can select full auto rotation mode. here also after hearing one,
you can start reading by pressing add button. the text produced by these
two modes will be saved in documents unless you change the directory. if
you are in need of continuing the file, you can select the same file and
the text will be appended to the old one.
The most preferable mode is the SCAN mode and Scan with full auto rotation
may be used for bundle of papers which are not knit. Remember that only the
CUNEIFORM can work with all 24 languages and other engine can handle
English  After the text has appeared and started reading, you will have to
press alt plus tab to get back to easy-ocr window.

>From folder

Now one can convert images saved in the folders in to text by using the
folder option.if you are not in a position to use the easy-ocr, you can use
any scanning program to produce the images. this option will support png,
jpeg, jpg, tiff, tif, pnm, pdf formats. select the folder option and enter.
now you will have to select the folder, format of the image,rotation mode,
saving folder.etc. if you are sure of the angle in witch the images are
kept you can select manual mode, and if you are not sure of the angle, you
can select automatic mode. in the automatic mode, all the images will be
converted, as in the angle of the first image. in the full auto rotation
mode, we are not to be concerned of the angles. Be careful to name the
folder or files inside without a space between the characters If there is
one, please rename it.

Audio conversion

there is facility for converting text in to wav files. just enter the audio
conversion mode and select the folder containing the text to be converted
and give the values in the window shone.

Stop all process

One can stop all scanning process by entering the stop-all-process

Brightness checker.

In order to determine the brightness to be used, please select a page of
the book to be scanned and enter the brightness checker. there is auto
rotation facility here. Now the scanning will start and there are 2 phases.
in the primary level, four  to six scanning will be done and in the second
stage, ten more . in each stage, the program will announce the number of
words found at different brightness levels. after the checking, the value
will be added to the settings automatically.

----- End forwarded message -----


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