[CBLX] une belle initiative: Fwd: students working on GNOME a11y this weekend

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Je ne fais que relayer une info, en espérant que ça puisse servir d'exemple 
et inspirer / encourager d'autres initiatives en ce sens:

<posté sur gnome accessibility list> 

----- Forwarded message from Steve Lee <steve fullmeasure.co.uk> -----
From: Steve Lee 
Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 08:31:08 +0000
To: GNOME A11y <gnome-accessibility-list gnome.org>

Project:Possibility students working on GNOME a11y this weekend

I'm really pleased to say that 6 students from the Project:Possibility
coding competition will be working on GNOME a11y projects this
weekend. They will be working on Orca or Caribou and adding new
features. They will then be judged against other student teams and the
winning students then get to go to CSUN to present their work and meet
up with GNOME. This is a great chance to get the students and others
to know about GNOME a11y. We'll hopefully get some useful code to
check in and may even get some new contributors.

Ben and Arky will be on IRC helping the students get up to speed and
answering questions.

If you are on the GNOME a11y IRC channel on Sat (today) or Sun during
the west coast day time and see the students then please do offer them
any support you can. Remember they will be in an exciting but
pressured competitive environment so will appreciate quick answers and
won't have much time to chat.

Steve Lee
gnome-accessibility-list mailing list
gnome-accessibility-list gnome.org

----- End forwarded message -----

</posté sur gnome accessibility list> 

Perso je reste convaincu qu'une source plus large et moins rapidement 
épuisée/épuisable de *?possibles?* contributeurs réside dans le milieu 
scolaire en général / voir universitaire, de par le nombre déjà, mais aussi 
parce que le bagage de connaissances facilite une contribution plus efficace, 
même si je ne veux vexer ni exclure personne, et que bien évidemment il y a 
à dans le développement du Libre énormément de contributeurs individuels 
dotés tout autant de talents divers et de connaissances ad hoc dont
Gnu/Linux profite aujourd'hui!


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