[CBLX] cdrecord sous Lenny

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Sous Sarge ceci fonctionnait :
cdrecord blank=fast enter et le cd RW était redevenu vierge.
Cette même commande sous Lenny ne fonctionne apparemment plus.

Voir typescript en attaché.

Script started on mer 04 nov 2009 21:26:47 CET
unknown0002448cdb3d:~# clear
unknown0002448cdb3d:~# cdrecord blank=fast
Device was not specified. Trying to find an appropriate drive...
Detected CD-R drive: /dev/cdrw
Using /dev/cdrom of unknown capabilities
Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... retrying in 1 second.
Error trying to open /dev/cdrom exclusively (Device or resource busy)... giving up.
wodim: No such file or directory. 
Cannot open SCSI driver!
For possible targets try 'wodim --devices' or 'wodim -scanbus'.
For possible transport specifiers try 'wodim dev=help'.
For IDE/ATAPI devices configuration, see the file README.ATAPI.setup from
the wodim documentation.
unknown0002448cdb3d:~# exit

Script done on mer 04 nov 2009 21:28:23 CET

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