[CBLX] bluetooth

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Désolé, j'ai oublié de d'attacher le typescript.  Le soici.

Script started on sam 25 avr 2009 15:52:26 CEST
dominique@unknown0002448cdb3d:~$ obexftp -b 00:1D:FD:75:7D:9D -p MyMusic/Kean_Col
Browsing 00:1D:FD:75:7D:9D ...
Channel: 11
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
Connecting...failed: connect
Still trying to connect
dominique@unknown0002448cdb3d:~$ exit

Script done on sam 25 avr 2009 15:55:20 CEST

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