[cairo-compmgr] Change developing platform to another 3rd-party.

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Just want to add that I consider Cairo Composite Manager to be a great piece of software. And it deserves a praise.

However, after viewing the site and trying to get in contact with the developer. I find myself at a loss. The process is to hard to navigate, stuff spread across, nothing really useful regarding CCM.

I recently came by Assembla, an online workspace with a ton of features to use. So my thoughts were that the CCM project could move to a such platform, where all the tools are located at one place. Combined with a overall great design.

So I propose that CCM moves to an Git-repository either on Assembla or Github. Assembla would be a good choice since that would incorporate addition features. Start using features like tickets, wiki, stream, roadmap, etc. Which is all at one place. And participate actively in the community.

Only pitching this idea to create thoughts in the community of CCM (or at least the members of this mailing list).

What I can see from the tools already, is all the long URL, out-dated bug tracker, etc. So I feel that an upgrade to a more robust platform would benefit CCM greatly, now and in the future.

This is not to be negative in any way, I really enjoy CCM. I'm just expressing myself regarding the tools used to show the project to the world. There is alternatives to Tuxfamily. Which I just now read that were planing to utilize ads to gain funds. Maybe its time to move on to a better place for the future?


Birger J. Nordølum

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