[cairo-compmgr] problem with interfaces

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I'm creating a magnifier plugin that implements the screen and window
plugin interfaces.

When the ccm_magnifier_screen_paint is called I create a new cairo context.

When the ccm_magnifier_screen_paint is called I try to read this cairo
context, but I'm getting a NULL value.

static void
ccm_magnifier_screen_paint(CCMScreenPlugin* plugin, CCMScreen* self)
	CCMMagnifier* mag = CCM_MAGNIFIER(plugin);

static gboolean
ccm_magnifier_window_paint(CCMWindowPlugin* plugin, CCMWindow* window,
						   cairo_t* context, cairo_surface_t* surface)
	CCMMagnifier* self = CCM_MAGNIFIER(plugin);

These lines just show how I cast the plugins to CCMMagnifier. I think
that the problem is in this place, but I don't know what is wrong. I
already look around for it, but doesn't find anything helpful.



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