[cairo-compmgr] would like to help with xrender backend

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Hi Nicolas,

I was just curious why when using the xrender backend the screen is
not painted correctly. I tried to realize reading the code, but I find
a bit difficult to understand what is wrong, could you point me to the
bits where the support is lacking and draw a big picture of
cairo-compmgr design.

I'm wishing to help with cairo-compmgr, since I'd like to make some
experiments over it, so learning the code is a good way to realize how
to change it to do what I want. I'm the maintainer of gnome-mag and
after much discussion about merge it or keep separated from a
composite manager I guess the best path is merge it and I'd like a lot
how cairo-compmgr is programmed (backends supports), so here I'm :-)

Thanks and best regards,


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