Re: [cairo-compmgr] correction to how the backing store pixmap is used

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Thanks for your patch, but in compositing window drawing is made in
redirect pixmap and not in window, this patch used a xorg bug which
continue to draw on window when is redirect.

Your previous question, made me to reflect on pixmap binding, I pushed
on git an another way to do that. To get pixmap content, ccm used Image
surface which is refresh on each damage by a XCopyArea. The most problem
is, this surface is get on each redraw and isn't in native backend
surface, which made some cpu slowness. To correct this, i implemented a
buffered bind pixmap, which push damage modification into a buffered
surface, this surface is a similar surface than window, and on redraw,
ccm used this surface to paint. This modification improve significantly
the performance.

To use it, grab latest git code, after installation don't forget to kill
gconfd-2 to get latest gconf schemas modification.

You have also an another way to improve performance, get directly the
content of redirect pixmap with the native backend of window, like you
do with your patch. For now it's only active with xrender backend, to
activate it, set the
option /apps/cairo-compmgr/screen_0/general/native_pixmap_bind. For
glitz backend, i must to finish tfp implement in glitz, coming soon.

I hope my explanation are clear, my level english isn't very high :)

gandalfn <gandalfn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

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