[Mumps2Py:] [93] added support for translating $HOROLOG

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Revision: 93
Author:   pgallot
Date:     2008-02-12 03:21:18 +0000 (Tue, 12 Feb 2008)

Log Message:
added support for translating $HOROLOG

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py
--- trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py	2008-02-12 00:14:55 UTC (rev 92)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py	2008-02-12 03:21:18 UTC (rev 93)
@@ -17,16 +17,33 @@
 """Compatibility Library to allow Mumps source code translated to Python"""
 from types import *
+import datetime
 #TODO: first order of business, an iterator to use when translating
 # Mumps for-command. Unlike range, a Mumps iteration includes the terminal
 # value. F i:1:1:10 iterates from 1 to 10, inclusive. the equivalent would be
 # range(1, 11)
+def Mf_horolog(timestamp = None):
+    """function that emulates Mumps $Horolog variable."""
+    if timestamp == None:
+        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+    else:
+        now = timestamp
+    mumps_epoch = datetime.date(1840, 12, 31) 
+    date_delta =  now.date() - mumps_epoch
+    midnightpast = now.replace(hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0,
+                               microsecond = 0)
+    time_delta = now - midnightpast
+    horolog = "%05d,%05d" % (date_delta.days, time_delta.seconds)
+    return horolog
 def Mf_data(loc_adr_space, name, indices_tuple = None):
     """Python-equivalent of the Mumps $Data intrinsic
 NOTE: not yet designed to work with Mumps Global variables."""
     val = 0
     if loc_adr_space.has_key(name):
         the_var = loc_adr_space[name]
@@ -60,7 +77,6 @@
 def Mc_merge(recipient, recipient_modifier, copy_item, copy_item_subset):
     """merge a subset of one dictionary into a subset of another"""
     new_keys = {}
     if copy_item_subset != (None,):
         len_subset = len(copy_item_subset)

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