[Mumps2Py:] [6] placing mumps2py files into a package directory.

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Revision: 6
Author:   pgallot
Date:     2008-01-17 17:53:51 +0000 (Thu, 17 Jan 2008)

Log Message:
placing mumps2py files into a package directory.

Added Paths:

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/__init__.py (from rev 1, trunk/__init__.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/__init__.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/__init__.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+"""Mumps2Py package module files"""
+__all__ = [ "tokens", "mumps_module", "mumps2tok", "tokprepass", "tok2python",
+            "mumpsCL", # mumpsCL is supposed to be standalone...

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/mumps2py_config.py (from rev 1, trunk/mumps2py_config.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/mumps2py_config.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/mumps2py_config.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+mumps2py_config contains all code for reading and writing any configuration
+settings related to mumps2py's translation of Mumps code to Python."""

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/mumps2tok.py (from rev 1, trunk/mumps2tok.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/mumps2tok.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/mumps2tok.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,988 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+""" extract tokens from the Mumps source code """
+import re, fileinput
+from mumps_module import ModuleInfo
+from tokens import *
+GLOBALDB = 0 # debugging variable.
+class ParseError(Exception):
+    """ Exception class for errors relating to parsing Mumps code."""
+    def __init__(self, the_module, line, dscr = "", pos = 0, lineno = -1):
+        Exception.__init__(self)
+        self.module = the_module
+        self.line = line
+        self.lineno = lineno
+        self.pos = pos
+        self.dscr = dscr
+        print self.error_msg()
+    def error_msg(self):
+        """ returns a formated string containing information about the error"""
+        if self.pos:
+            errormsg = "\nError: %s %d:%d : %s\n\t%s\n[%s]" \
+                      % (self.module.mod_name, self.lineno, self.pos,
+                         self.dscr, self.line, self.line[self.pos:])
+        else:
+            errormsg = "\nError: %s %d: %s\n\t%s" \
+                      % (self.module.mod_name, self.lineno, self.dscr,
+                         self.line)
+        return errormsg
+    "var":re.compile(r"((?P<globalvar>\^{1})|(?P<pbr>[.]{1}))?(?P<var>[A-Za-z%][A-Za-z0-9]*)(?P<indexed>[(]{1})?"),
+    "indirection":re.compile(r"@"),
+    "op":re.compile(r"[-_/+']|([']?(([*]{1,2})|([]]{1,2})|\\|[[=><#&!/]))"),
+    "str":re.compile(r"[\"](.|[\"]{2})*?[\"]"),
+    "num":re.compile(r"([0-9]?[.]{1})?[0-9]+([eE][+-][0-9]+)?"),
+    "extr":re.compile(r"[$]{2}(?P<label>\w+)(\^(?P<routine>[%A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*))?(?P<func>[(]{1})?"),
+    "intr":re.compile(r"[$]{1}(?P<intrinsic>[A-Za-z0-9]+)(?P<func>[(]{1})?"),
+    "patmat":re.compile(r"[?]"),
+    "patAtom":re.compile(r"(((?P<mnrp>\d+)?[.](?P<mxrp>\d+)?)|(?P<rpcount>\d+)){1}((?P<altlist>[(])|(?P<patcode>[ACELNPUacelnpu]+)|(?P<str>([\"]([\"]{2}|.)*?[\"])))"),
+    "nakedRef":re.compile(r"\^\("),
+    "subexpr":re.compile(r"[(]"),
+    "command":re.compile(r"(?P<indents>[ .]*)(?P<cmd>[A-Za-z]+)"),
+    "label":re.compile(r"^(\^)?[%a-zA-Z0-9][A-Za-z0-9]*"),
+    "comment":re.compile(r"[ ]*?[ .]*?;(?P<comment>.*)"),
+    "emptyline":re.compile(r"[ .]*\s*$"),
+    "cmd":re.compile(r"[. ]*([A-Za-z]+\w*?(?:[ :]|\s*$))"),
+    "cmdEnd":re.compile(r"[ ]|\s*$")
+    }
+def parse_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos):
+    """ parses a Mumps Entry Ref"""
+    #print "entry_ref:(%s)" % line[pos:]
+    #global GLOBALDB
+    #GLOBALDB=1
+    token = Token(ENTRYREF, pos)
+    if line[pos] == '@':
+        if MUMPS_RE_DICT["nakedRef"].match(line, pos + 1):
+            indirect = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos+1, r"([,+: ]|\s$)")
+            token.indirect = indirect
+            pos = indirect.end + 1
+        else:
+            indirect = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, \
+                                  r"(\^|[ +),:]|\s*$)")
+            token.indirect = indirect
+            pos = indirect.end
+        if not MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"].match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '+':
+            pos = pos + 1
+            offset = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"(\^|[ ),:]|\s*$)")
+            token.offset = offset
+            pos = offset.end
+        if not MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"].match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '^':
+            pos = pos + 1
+            routine = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,)(:]|\s*$)")
+            token.routine = routine
+            pos = routine.end
+    else:
+        re_name = re.compile(r"[A-Za-z%0-9][A-Za-z0-9]*")
+        m_name = re_name.match(line, pos)
+        if m_name:
+            token.label = m_name.group()
+            pos = m_name.end()
+        if not MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"].match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '+':
+            pos = pos + 1
+            offset = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"(\^|[ ):,]|\s*$)")
+            token.offset = offset
+            pos = offset.end
+        if not MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"].match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '^':
+            pos = pos + 1
+            routine = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ),(:]|\s*$)")
+            token.routine = routine
+            pos = routine.end
+    #GLOBALDB=0
+    token.end = pos
+    return (token, pos)
+def parse_emptyline(mumps_module, line, startpos=0):
+    """ parses a line of Mumps code which contains practically nothing"""
+    token = Token(EMPTYLINE, startpos)
+    token.end = len(line)
+    mumps_module.add_token(token)
+    return token
+def parse_label(mumps_module, line):
+    """ parses a Mumps label"""
+    token = Token(LABEL, 0)
+    pos = 0
+    if line[0] == "^": # NOTE: I'm not completely sure of the semantics here...
+        token.externally_visible = True
+        pos = 1
+    else:
+        token.externally_visible = False
+    re_match = re.match(r"[%a-zA-Z0-9]+\w*", line[pos:])
+    token.val = line[pos:re_match.end() + pos]
+    pos = re_match.end() + pos
+    params = re.match(r"[(].*?[)]+?", line[pos:])
+    if params:
+        token.params = re.split(r"\W+", line[pos + 1:pos + params.end() - 1])
+        pos = pos + params.end()
+    else:
+        token.params = None
+    token.end = pos
+    mumps_module.add_token(token)
+    return token
+def parse_comment(mumps_module, line, startpos = 0):
+    """ parses a Mumps comment"""
+    re_match = MUMPS_RE_DICT["comment"].match(line, startpos)
+    token = Token(COMMENT, startpos)
+    token.val = re_match.group("comment")
+    token.end = len(line)
+    mumps_module.add_token(token)
+    return token
+def parse_expr(mumps_module, line, startpos, terminator = r"([ ]|\s*$)"):
+    """ parses a Mumps expression by recursive descent"""
+    if GLOBALDB > 0:
+        print "parse_expr %d [%s]" % (startpos, line[startpos:])
+    def consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses a list of parameters """
+        actuallist = []
+        while line[pos] != ")":
+            exprtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([:,)])")
+            actuallist.append(exprtok)
+            pos = exprtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ":":
+                pos = pos + 1
+                condtok = exprtok
+                exprtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                exprtok.post_condition(condtok)
+            elif line[pos] == ",":
+                pos = pos + 1
+        return actuallist
+    def consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        return parse_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+    def consume_pattern(lineno, line, pos):
+        """ parses a mumps-style pattern-matchine pattern"""
+        atom_list = []
+        m_pat = MUMPS_RE_DICT["patAtom"]
+        atom = m_pat.match(line, pos)
+        while atom:
+            sub_token = Token(OPPATATOM, atom.start())
+            if atom.group("rpcount"):
+                sub_token.repcount = int(atom.group("rpcount"))
+            else:
+                if atom.group("mnrp"):
+                    sub_token.minrep = int(atom.group("mnrp"))
+                if atom.group("mxrp"):
+                    sub_token.maxrep = int(atom.group("mxrp"))
+            if atom.group("str"):
+                sub_token.match_str = atom.group("str")
+                pos = atom.end()
+            elif atom.group("altlist"):
+                sub_token.alt_list = []
+                pos = atom.end()
+                while line[pos] != ")":
+                    (sub_pat, pos) = consume_pattern(lineno, line, pos)
+                    sub_token.alt_list.append(sub_pat)
+                    if line[pos] == ",":
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                pos = pos + 1
+            else:
+                sub_token.pat_code = atom.group("patcode")
+                pos = atom.end()
+            atom_list.append(sub_token)
+            atom = m_pat.match(line, pos)
+        return (atom_list, pos)
+    def consume_sub_expr(mobj):
+        """ parses a parens-enclosed sub-expression"""
+        token = Token(EXPR, mobj.start())
+        token.expr_list = [ \
+            parse_expr(mumps_module, line, mobj.end(), r"([)])"), ]
+        pos = token.expr_list[-1].end + 1
+        return (token, pos) 
+    def consume_str(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps-string"""
+        token = Token(STRINGLITERAL, mobj.start())
+        token.val = mobj.group()
+        return (token, mobj.end())
+    def consume_num(mobj):
+        """ parses a number"""
+        token = Token(NUMLITERAL, mobj.start())
+        token.val = mobj.group()
+        return (token, mobj.end())
+    def consume_op(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps operator"""
+        op_type = line[mobj.start():mobj.end()]
+        token = Token(OP_TOKEN_DICT[op_type], mobj.start())
+        return (token, mobj.end())
+    def consume_unknown(mobj):
+        token = Token(UNKNOWNITEM, mobj.start())
+        token.item = mobj.group()
+        return (token, mobj.end())
+    def consume_naked_ref(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps naked reference"""
+        token = Token(OPNAKEDREF, mobj.start())
+        pos = mobj.end()
+        token.indices = consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos)
+        pos = token.indices[-1].end + 1
+        return (token, pos)
+    def consume_indirection(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps indirection argument"""
+        token = Token(INDIRECTION, mobj.start())
+        expr = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, mobj.end(), \
+                         r"(\\|[-@:,+=><#&!*/ ')]|\s*$)")
+        token.expr = expr
+        pos = expr.end
+        if line[pos] == '@' and line[pos + 1] == '(':
+            indices = consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos + 2)
+            token.indices = indices
+            if len(indices):
+                pos = indices[-1].end + 1
+            else:
+                pos = pos + 3
+        return (token, pos)
+    def consume_var(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps variable"""
+        if mobj.group("globalvar"):
+            token = Token(GLOBALVAR, mobj.start())
+        else:
+            token = Token(LOCALVAR, mobj.start())
+        if mobj.group("pbr"):
+            token.pass_by_reference = True 
+        token.varname = mobj.group("var")
+        pos = mobj.end("var")
+        if mobj.group("indexed"):
+            pos = pos + 1
+            indices = consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            token.indices = indices
+            if len(indices):
+                pos = indices[-1].end + 1
+            else:
+                pos = pos + 1
+        return (token, pos)
+    def consume_extrinsic(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps extrinsic function or variable"""
+        token = Token(USERFUNC, mobj.start())
+        pos = mobj.end()
+        if mobj.group("label"):
+            token.label = mobj.group("label")
+        if mobj.group("routine"):
+            token.routine = mobj.group("routine")
+        if mobj.group("func"):
+            params = consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            if len(params):
+                pos = params[-1].end
+            token.params = params
+            pos = pos + 1
+        else: # vars...
+            token.params = []
+        return (token, pos)
+    def consume_intrinsic(mobj):
+        """ parses a Mumps intrinsic function or variable"""
+        name = re_match.group("intrinsic")
+        pos = mobj.end()
+        if mobj.group("func"):
+            toktype = IntrinsicFuncDict[name]
+            token = Token(toktype, mobj.start())
+            if toktype == F_TEXT:
+                (params, end_pos) = consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+                token.params = params
+                pos = end_pos + 1
+            else:
+                token.params = consume_actuallist(mumps_module, line, pos)
+                pos = token.params[-1].end + 1
+        else: # vars...
+            toktype = IntrinsicVarDict[name]
+            token = Token(toktype, mobj.start())
+        return (token, pos)
+    def consume_pattmatch(mobj):
+        """ parses mumps-style pattern-matchine patterns"""
+        pos = mobj.end()
+        token = Token(OPPATMATCH, mobj.start())
+        (token.atom_list, pos) = consume_pattern(mumps_module, line, pos)
+        token.end = pos
+        return (token, pos)
+    pattern_list = [
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["indirection"], consume_indirection, "indirection"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["var"], consume_var, "var"), 
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["op"], consume_op, "op"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["str"], consume_str, "str"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["num"], consume_num, "num"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["extr"], consume_extrinsic, "extr"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["intr"], consume_intrinsic, "intr"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["patmat"], consume_pattmatch, "patmat"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["nakedRef"], consume_naked_ref, "nakedRef"),
+        (re.compile(r"(\^\$JOB)"), consume_unknown, "unknown"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["subexpr"], consume_sub_expr, "subexpr")]
+    pos = startpos
+    token = Token(EXPR, pos)
+    token.expr_list = []
+    mterminator = re.compile(terminator)
+    while not mterminator.match(line, pos):
+        pattern_match = False
+        for (pattern, consume, dscr) in pattern_list:
+            re_match = pattern.match(line, pos)
+            if re_match:
+                pattern_match = True
+                (sub_token, end_pos) = consume(re_match)
+                pos = sub_token.end = end_pos
+                token.expr_list.append(sub_token)
+                break
+        if not pattern_match:
+            raise ParseError(mumps_module, line, "No Pattern match", pos )
+    if len(token.expr_list)==1:
+        token = token.expr_list[0]
+    else:
+        token.end = pos
+    return token
+def parse_command(mumps_module, line, startpos=0):
+    """parses all known Mumps commands"""
+    def consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        return parse_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+    def parse_xecute(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses the Mumps Xecute command"""
+        expr_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            exprtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ :,]|\s*$)")
+            pos = exprtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ":":
+                condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, \
+                                     r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+                exprtok.post_condition(condtok)
+                pos = condtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ",":
+                pos = pos + 1
+            expr_list.append(exprtok)
+        mumps_module.last_token().Xecute = expr_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos + 1)
+    def parse_write(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses the Mumps Write command"""
+        write_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            if line[pos] == '!':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_NEWLINE, pos)
+                pos = pos + 1
+            elif line[pos] == '#':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_NEWPAGE, pos)
+                pos = pos + 1
+            elif line[pos] == '?':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_MOV, pos)
+                sub_token.offset = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos+1, \
+                                              r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.offset.end
+            elif line[pos] == '*':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_CHARVAL, pos)
+                sub_token.val = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos+1, \
+                                               r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.val.end
+            else:
+                sub_token = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.end
+            if line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            write_list.append(sub_token)
+        mumps_module.last_token().write_list = write_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_read(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses the Mumps Read command"""
+        read_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            if line[pos] == '!':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_NEWLINE, pos)
+                pos = pos + 1
+            elif line[pos] == '#':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_NEWPAGE, pos)
+                pos = pos + 1
+            elif line[pos] == '?':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_MOV, pos)
+                sub_token.offset = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, \
+                                              r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.offset.end
+            elif line[pos] == '"': # it's a string.
+                sub_token = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.end
+            elif line[pos] == '*':
+                sub_token = Token(FCC_CHARVAL, pos)
+                char_val_name = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, \
+                                           r"([:, ]|\s*$)")
+                sub_token.char_val_name = char_val_name
+                pos = char_val_name.end
+            else:
+                sub_token = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, \
+                                 r"([#:, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = sub_token.end
+                if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '#':
+                    max_chars = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, \
+                                           r"([:, ]|\s*$)")
+                    sub_token.max_chars = max_chars 
+                    pos = max_chars.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                timeout = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, r"[ ,]|\s*$")
+                sub_token.timeout = timeout
+                pos = timeout.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            read_list.append(sub_token)
+        mumps_module.last_token().read_list = read_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_view(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps View command"""
+        keyword_items = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            item = {}
+            keyword = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([:, ]|\s*$)")
+            item["keyword"] = keyword
+            pos = keyword.end
+            expressions = []
+            while not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                expr = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([:, ]|\s*$)")
+                pos = expr.end
+                expressions.append(expr)
+            item["expressions"] = expressions
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            keyword_items.append(item)
+        mumps_module.last_token().keyword_items = keyword_items
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_merge(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Merge Command"""
+        items = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            merge_item = {}
+            recipient = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([=, ]|\s*$)")
+            merge_item["l_item"] = recipient
+            pos = recipient.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '=':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                copy_item = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([, ]|\s*$)")
+                merge_item["r_item"] = copy_item
+                pos = copy_item.end
+            items.append(merge_item)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().items = items
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_devicecmd(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Open, Close, and Use commands"""
+        device_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            device = {}
+            expr = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos + 1, r"([ :,]|\s*$)")
+            device["Expr"] = expr
+            pos = expr.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                if line[pos] == '(':
+                    pos = pos + 1
+                    keyword_list = []
+                    while line[pos] != ')':
+                        keyword = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([:)])")
+                        keyword_list.append(keyword)
+                        pos = keyword.end
+                        if line[pos] == ':':
+                            pos = pos + 1
+                    device["keyword_list"] = keyword_list
+                    pos = pos + 1
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                timeout = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"[ ,]|\s*$")
+                device["time_out"] = timeout
+                pos = timeout.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            device_list.append(device)
+        mumps_module.last_token().device_list = device_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_set(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses the Mumps Set command"""
+        var_set = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            var = {}
+            if line[pos] == '(':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                var_list = []
+                while line[pos] != ")":
+                    varname = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    var_list.append(varname)
+                    pos = varname.end
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                var["var_names"] = var_list
+                pos = pos + 1
+            else:
+                varname = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,= ]|\s*$)")
+                var["varname"] = varname
+                pos = varname.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '=':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                val = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+                var["val"] = val
+                pos = val.end
+            else: # note: this is somewhat of an assumption, but...
+                del var["varname"]
+                var["indirection"] = varname
+            var_set.append(var)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().var_set = var_set
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_lock(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Lock command"""
+        lock_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            lock_item = {}        
+            if line[pos] in ('+', '-'):
+                lock_item["op"] = line[pos]
+                pos = pos + 1
+            if line[pos] == '(':
+                nref_list = []
+                pos = pos + 1
+                while line[pos] != ')':
+                    nref = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    pos = nref.end
+                    nref_list.append(nref)
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                lock_item["nrefs"] = nref_list
+            else:
+                nref = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,:]|\s*$)")
+                pos = nref.end
+                lock_item["nrefs"] = (nref, )
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                timeout = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"[ ,]|\s*$")
+                lock_item["time_out"] = timeout
+                pos = timeout.end
+            lock_list.append(lock_item)
+            if line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().lock_list = lock_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_job(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Job command"""
+        entry_ref_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            (entry_ref, pos) = consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '(':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                params = []
+                while line[pos] != ")":
+                    paramtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    params.append(paramtok)
+                    pos = paramtok.end
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                entry_ref.params = params
+                pos = pos + 1
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                if line[pos] == '(':
+                    pos = pos + 1
+                    keyword_list = []
+                    while line[pos] != ')':
+                        keyword = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([:)])")
+                        keyword_list.append(keyword)
+                        pos = keyword.end
+                        if line[pos] == ':':
+                            pos = pos + 1
+                    pos = pos + 1
+                    entry_ref.keyword_list = keyword_list
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                timeout = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"[ ,]|\s*$")
+                pos = timeout.end
+                entry_ref.timeout = timeout
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            entry_ref_list.append(entry_ref)
+        mumps_module.last_token().entry_ref = entry_ref_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_quit(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Quit command"""
+        condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos)
+        mumps_module.last_token().Condition = condtok
+        mumps_module.end_token(condtok.end)
+    def parse_new(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps New command"""
+        new_list = []
+        excl_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            if line[pos] == '(':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                while line[pos] != ')':
+                    vartok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    pos = vartok.end
+                    excl_list.append(vartok)
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                pos = pos + 1 # eat the closing parens.
+            else:
+                vartok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+                pos = vartok.end
+                new_list.append(vartok)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().new_list = new_list
+        mumps_module.last_token().excl_list = excl_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_kill(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Kill command"""
+        kill_list = []
+        excl_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            if line[pos] == '(':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                while line[pos] != ')':
+                    vartok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    pos = vartok.end
+                    excl_list.append(vartok)
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                pos = pos + 1 # eat the closing parens.
+            else:
+                vartok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+                pos = vartok.end
+                kill_list.append(vartok)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().kill_list = kill_list
+        mumps_module.last_token().excl_list = excl_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_if(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps If command"""
+        expr_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            exprtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+            expr_list.append(exprtok)
+            pos = exprtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ",":
+                pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().condition_list = expr_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos + 1)
+    def parse_hang(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Hang/Halt commands"""
+        timetok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos)
+        mumps_module.last_token().HangTime = timetok
+        mumps_module.end_token(timetok.end)
+    def parse_goto(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parse the Mumps Goto command"""
+        #NOTE: a goto seems very similar to a do, but with no arguments passed.
+        entry_ref_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            (entry_ref, pos) = consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s$)")
+                entry_ref.post_condition(condtok)
+                pos = condtok.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            entry_ref_list.append(entry_ref)
+        mumps_module.last_token().entry_ref = entry_ref_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_for(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """ parses the Mumps For command"""
+        loops = []
+        loop_incr_var = None
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        if not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            loop_incr_var = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([=])")
+            pos = loop_incr_var.end + 1 # eat the equal sign.
+            while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+                loop_vals = {}
+                loop_vals["initVal"] = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, \
+                                                  r"([,: ]|\s$)")
+                pos = loop_vals["initVal"].end
+                if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                    pos = pos + 1
+                    incr_val = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, \
+                                          r"([ :,]|\s$)")
+                    loop_vals["IncrVal"] = incr_val
+                    pos = incr_val.end
+                if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                    pos = pos + 1
+                    terminal_val = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, \
+                                              r"([ :,]|\s$)")
+                    loop_vals["TermVal"] = terminal_val
+                    pos = terminal_val.end
+                loops.append(loop_vals)
+                if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                    pos = pos + 1
+        mumps_module.last_token().loop_incr_var = loop_incr_var
+        mumps_module.last_token().for_loops = loops
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_do(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parses the Mumps Do command"""
+        entry_ref_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            (entry_ref, pos) = consume_entry_ref(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == '(':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                params = []
+                while line[pos] != ")":
+                    paramtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([,)])")
+                    params.append(paramtok)
+                    pos = paramtok.end
+                    if line[pos] == ',':
+                        pos = pos + 1
+                entry_ref.params = params
+                pos = pos + 1
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ':':
+                pos = pos + 1
+                condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ ,]|\s$)")
+                entry_ref.post_condition(condtok)
+                pos = condtok.end
+            if not mterminated.match(line, pos) and line[pos] == ',':
+                pos = pos + 1
+            entry_ref_list.append(entry_ref)
+        mumps_module.last_token().entry_ref = entry_ref_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    def parse_break(mumps_module, line, pos):
+        """parse the Mumps Break command"""
+        expr_list = []
+        mterminated = MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmdEnd"]
+        while not mterminated.match(line, pos):
+            exprtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos, r"([ :,]|\s*$)")
+            pos = exprtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ":":
+                condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos+1, r"([ ,]|\s*$)")
+                exprtok.post_condition(condtok)
+                pos = condtok.end
+            if line[pos] == ",":
+                pos = pos + 1
+            expr_list.append(exprtok)
+        mumps_module.last_token().Xecute = expr_list
+        mumps_module.end_token(pos + 1)
+    def parse_zquit(mumps_module, line, startpos=0):
+        """parse the ZQuit command"""
+        #for lack of better info, treat this just like quit?
+        condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, startpos)
+        mumps_module.last_token().Condition = condtok
+        mumps_module.end_token(condtok.end)
+        #raise ParseError(mumps_module, line, "unhandled command", pos)
+    command_list = {BREAKCMD:parse_break,
+                   CLOSECMD:parse_devicecmd,
+                   DOCMD:parse_do,
+                   FORCMD:parse_for,
+                   GOTOCMD:parse_goto,
+                   HANGCMD:parse_hang,
+                   IFCMD:parse_if,
+                   JOBCMD:parse_job,
+                   KILLCMD:parse_kill,
+                   LOCKCMD:parse_lock,
+                   MERGECMD:parse_merge,
+                   NEWCMD:parse_new,
+                   OPENCMD:parse_devicecmd,
+                   QUITCMD:parse_quit,
+                   READCMD:parse_read,
+                   SETCMD:parse_set,
+                   USECMD:parse_devicecmd,
+                   VIEWCMD:parse_view,
+                   WRITECMD:parse_write,
+                   XECUTECMD:parse_xecute,
+                   ZQUITCMD:parse_zquit,
+                   ZETRAPCMD:parse_goto, # NOTE: this is a guess...
+                   COMMENT:parse_comment}
+    command = MUMPS_RE_DICT["command"]
+    re_match = command.match(line, startpos)
+    cmd = re_match.group("cmd").upper()
+    pos = re_match.end("cmd") + 1
+    if cmd in CMD_TOKEN_DICT:
+        toktype = CMD_TOKEN_DICT[cmd]
+        mumps_module.add_token(Token(toktype, startpos))
+        if re_match.group("indents"):
+            # count the periods for the nesting level...
+            mumps_module.indent_token(len(re.findall("[.]", \
+                                              line[startpos:re_match.start("cmd")]))) 
+        if line[re_match.end("cmd")] == ':':
+            condtok = parse_expr(mumps_module, line, pos)
+            mumps_module.post_condition(condtok)
+            pos = condtok.end + 1
+        if toktype in command_list:
+            parse_func = command_list[toktype]
+            parse_func(mumps_module, line, pos)
+        else:
+            mumps_module.end_token(pos)
+    else:
+        raise ParseError(mumps_module, line, "Unknown command", startpos)
+    return mumps_module.last_token()
+def parseMumps(mumps_module):
+    """ Parse all the code of given Mumps module."""
+    pattern_list = [
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["label"], parse_label, "label"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["comment"], parse_comment, "comment"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["emptyline"], parse_emptyline, "emptyline"),
+        (MUMPS_RE_DICT["cmd"], parse_command, "cmd")]
+    try:
+        for line in fileinput.input(mumps_module.input_file):
+            if fileinput.lineno() < mumps_module.start:
+                continue
+            if mumps_module.end != -1 and fileinput.lineno() > mumps_module.end:
+                break
+            #print "%d :%s" % (fileinput.lineno(),line),
+            pattern_match = False
+            pos = 0
+            for (pattern, parser, dscr) in pattern_list:
+                if pattern.match(line):
+                    pattern_match = True
+                    #print "<%s>" % dscr
+                    token = parser(mumps_module, line)
+                    token.line_no(fileinput.lineno())
+                    pos = token.end
+                    while not re.match(r"\s*$", line[pos:]):
+                        inside_pattern_match = False
+                        for (pattern, parser, dscr) in pattern_list[1:]:
+                            # no need to scan for labels...
+                            if pattern.match(line, pos):
+                                inside_pattern_match = True
+                                #print "<%s>" % dscr
+                                token = parser(mumps_module, line, pos)
+                                pos = token.end
+                                break
+                        if not inside_pattern_match:
+                            raise ParseError(mumps_module, line, \
+                                             "no Matching pattern", pos, \
+                                             fileinput.lineno())
+                    break
+            if not pattern_match:
+                raise ParseError(mumps_module, line, "no Pattern match", pos, \
+                                 fileinput.lineno())
+        fileinput.close()
+    finally:
+        fileinput.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    from mumps_module import parseForModules
+    MumpsFile = "fm22.rsa"
+    m2py_dir = ".\\out"
+    #Todo: test if dir exists, if not, create it...
+    f = open(MumpsFile)
+    s = f.readline()
+    f.close()
+    if re.search(r"CACHE FORMAT\^~Format=Cache.S~", s):
+        mods = parseForModules(MumpsFile, m2py_dir, 0)
+        try:
+            for module in mods:
+                parseMumps(module)
+        except ParseError, e:
+            print e.error_msg()
+    else:#todo: does this work ?
+        outputname = re.split(r"\..*$", MumpsFile)[0]
+        if __debug__:
+            print outputname
+        try:
+            parseMumps(ModuleInfo(MumpsFile, m2py_dir, outputname))
+        except ParseError, e:
+            print e.error_msg()

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py (from rev 1, trunk/mumpsCL.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/mumpsCL.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#TODO: first order of business, an iterator to use when translating
+# Mumps for-command. Unlike range, a Mumps iteration includes the terminal
+# value. F i:1:1:10 iterates from 1 to 10, inclusive. the equivalent would be
+# range(1, 11)

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/mumps_module.py (from rev 1, trunk/mumps_module.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/mumps_module.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/mumps_module.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+""" code relating to a Mumps module, primarily via the Module_info class."""
+import re, fileinput, os.path
+class ModuleInfo:
+    """ A ModuleInfo object represents one complete unit of Mumps source code."""
+    def __init__(self, inputfile, outputdir, name, startline = 1, endline = -1):
+        self.input_file = inputfile
+        if os.path.isabs(name):
+            outname = os.path.basename(name)
+        else:
+            outname = name
+        self.output_file = outputdir + "\\" + outname + ".py"
+        self.mod_name = outname
+        self.start = startline
+        self.end = endline
+        self.TokenList = []
+    def __str__(self):
+        return "Module %s" % self.mod_name
+    def add_token(self, newtoken):
+        """ add a new token to the token list."""
+        self.TokenList.append(newtoken)
+    def end_token(self, endpos):
+        """used to indicate where the last token added ended."""
+        self.TokenList[-1].end = endpos
+    def indent_token(self, nestlevel):
+        """sets the indent level for the last token added to this module."""
+        self.TokenList[-1].indentlevel = nestlevel
+    def post_condition(self, tvexprtoklist):
+        """adds the given post-condition to the last token added to this module"""
+        tok = self.TokenList[-1]
+        tok.post_condition(tvexprtoklist)
+    def last_token(self):
+        """returns the last Token added to this module's TokenList"""
+        return self.TokenList[-1]
+def parseForModules(inputfile, outputdir):
+    """parseForModules returns a list of ModuleInfo objects from a file
+in Cache Format, assuming that each Mumps module begins
+with a line containing modulename^INT^"""
+    modules = []
+    lastmodline = 2
+    oldmodname = None
+    modpattern = re.compile(r"\^INT\^")
+    modsplit = re.compile(r"\^")
+    for line in fileinput.input(inputfile):
+        lineno = fileinput.lineno()
+        if lineno < 3:
+            continue
+        if modpattern.search(line):
+            tmp = modsplit.split(line, 1)
+            if oldmodname:
+                modules.append(ModuleInfo(inputfile, outputdir, oldmodname, \
+                                          lastmodline + 1, lineno - 1))
+                if __debug__:
+                    print oldmodname, lastmodline + 1, lineno - 1, "\t", \
+                          lineno - lastmodline
+            oldmodname = tmp[0]
+            lastmodline = lineno
+    fileinput.close()
+    return modules                  

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/tokens.py (from rev 4, trunk/tokens.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/tokens.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/tokens.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+""" All the possible token types that can be extracted from Mumps code"""
+from types import *
+import re
+# IMPORTANT: Add a Token Type Constant, update the relevant dictionaries.
+# Token Type constants:
+# NOTE : each type of comand should have its own token.
+# NOTE: OPERATORS have token values starting at 50.
+OPADD, OPSUB, OPMULT, OPEXP = 50, 51, 52, 53 # +,-,*, **
+OPFRACDIV, OPINTDIV, OPMODULO = 54, 55, 56 # \,/, #
+OPNOT, OPAND, OPOR = 57, 58, 59 # ',&, !
+OPCONCAT, OPGT, OPLT, OPNGT, OPNLT = 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 # _,>,<,'>,'<
+OPEQ, OPNEQ = 65, 66 # =, '=
+OPCONTAINS, OPFOLLOWS, OPSORTS = 67, 68, 69 # [,], ]]
+#NOTE: INTRINSIC FUNCs and VARs have token values starting at 100,150 respectively.
+F_ASCII, F_CHAR, F_DATA, F_EXTRACT = 100, 101, 102, 103
+F_FIND, F_FNUMBER, F_GET, F_JUSTIFY = 104, 105, 106, 107
+F_LENGTH, F_NAME, F_NEXT, F_ORDER = 108, 109, 110, 111
+F_PIECE, F_QLENGTH, F_QSUBSCRIPT, F_QUERY = 112, 113, 114, 115
+F_RANDOM, F_REVERSE, F_SELECT, F_STACK = 116, 117, 118, 119
+F_TEXT, F_TRANSLATE, F_VIEW = 120, 121, 122
+F_UNKNOWN = 123
+V_DEVICE, V_ECODE, V_ESTACK, V_ETRAP = 150, 151, 152, 153
+V_HOROLOG, V_IO, V_JOB, V_KEY = 154, 155, 156, 157
+V_PRINCIPAL, V_QUIT, V_REFERENCE, V_STACK = 158, 159, 160, 161
+V_STORAGE, V_SYSTEM, V_TEST, V_X, V_Y = 162, 163, 164, 165, 166
+V_ZCSTATUS, V_ZVER, V_ZVERSION, V_ZERROR = 167, 168, 169, 170
+# NOTE: I have no idea what these intrinsic vars are for:
+V_ZJOB, V_ZR, V_ZNSPACE, V_ZH = 171, 172, 173, 174 
+V_ZTRAP = 175
+                 "*":OPMULT, "**":OPEXP,
+                 "\\":OPFRACDIV, "/":OPINTDIV,
+                 "#": OPMODULO, "'":OPNOT,
+                 "&":OPAND, "!":OPOR,
+                 ">":OPGT, "<":OPLT,
+                 "'>":OPNGT, "'<":OPNLT,
+                 "=":OPEQ, "'=":OPNEQ,
+                 "[":OPCONTAINS,
+                 "]":OPFOLLOWS,
+                 "]]":OPSORTS, 
+                 "?":OPPATMATCH, "@":OPINDIRECT,
+                 "_":OPCONCAT}
+IntrinsicVarDict = {"D":V_DEVICE, "DEVICE":V_DEVICE,
+                  "EC":V_ECODE, "ECODE":V_ECODE,
+                  "ES":V_ESTACK, "ESTACK":V_ESTACK,
+                  "ET":V_ETRAP, "ETRAP":V_ETRAP,
+                  "H":V_HOROLOG, "HOROLOG":V_HOROLOG,
+                  "I":V_IO, "IO":V_IO,
+                  "J":V_JOB, "JOB":V_JOB,
+                  "K":V_KEY, "KEY":V_KEY,
+                  "P":V_PRINCIPAL, "PRINCIPAL":V_PRINCIPAL,
+                  "Q":V_QUIT, "QUIT":V_QUIT,
+                  "R":V_REFERENCE, "REFERENCE":V_REFERENCE,
+                  "ST":V_STACK, "STACK":V_STACK,
+                  "S":V_STORAGE, "STORAGE":V_STORAGE,
+                  "SY":V_SYSTEM, "SYSTEM":V_SYSTEM,
+                  "T": V_TEST, "TEST":V_TEST,
+                  "X":V_X,
+                  "Y":V_Y,
+                  "ZC":V_ZCSTATUS, "ZCSTATUS":V_ZCSTATUS,
+                  "ZE":V_ZERROR, "ZERROR":V_ZERROR,
+                  "ZJ":V_ZJOB, "ZJOB": V_ZJOB,
+                  "ZVER":V_ZVER,
+                  "ZR":V_ZR,
+                  "ZNSPACE":V_ZNSPACE,
+                  "ZH":V_ZH,
+                  "ZT":V_ZTRAP, "ZTRAP":V_ZTRAP,
+                  "ZV":V_ZVERSION, "ZVERSION":V_ZVERSION}
+IntrinsicFuncDict = {"A":F_ASCII, "ASCII":F_ASCII,
+                   "C":F_CHAR, "CHAR":F_CHAR,
+                   "D":F_DATA, "DATA":F_DATA,
+                   "E":F_EXTRACT, "EXTRACT":F_EXTRACT,
+                   "F":F_FIND, "FIND":F_FIND,
+                   "FN":F_FNUMBER, "FNUMBER":F_FNUMBER,
+                   "G":F_GET, "GET":F_GET,
+                   "J":F_JUSTIFY, "JUSTIFY":F_JUSTIFY,
+                   "L":F_LENGTH, "LENGTH":F_LENGTH,
+                   "NA":F_NAME, "NAME":F_NAME,
+                   "O":F_ORDER, "ORDER":F_ORDER,
+                   "P":F_PIECE, "PIECE":F_PIECE,
+                   "QL":F_QLENGTH, "QLENGTH":F_QLENGTH,
+                   "Q":F_QUERY, "QUERY":F_QUERY,
+                   "R":F_RANDOM, "RANDOM": F_RANDOM,
+                   "RE": F_REVERSE, "REVERSE":F_REVERSE,
+                   "S":F_SELECT, "SELECT":F_SELECT,
+                   "ST":F_STACK, "STACK":F_STACK,
+                   "T":F_TEXT, "TEXT":F_TEXT,
+                   "TR":F_TRANSLATE, "TRANSLATE":F_TRANSLATE,
+                   "V":F_VIEW, "VIEW":F_VIEW,
+                   "ZB":F_UNKNOWN,
+                   "ZC":F_UNKNOWN,
+                   "ZCONVERT":F_UNKNOWN,
+                   "ZU":F_UNKNOWN,
+                   "zjob":F_UNKNOWN}
+                  "C":CLOSECMD, "CLOSE":CLOSECMD,
+                  "D":DOCMD, "DO":DOCMD,
+                  "E":ELSECMD, "ELSE":ELSECMD, # note, no arguments to the else command, thus no parser.
+                  "F":FORCMD, "FOR":FORCMD,
+                  "G":GOTOCMD, "GOTO":GOTOCMD,
+                  "H":HANGCMD, "HANG":HANGCMD, "HALT":HANGCMD,
+                  "I":IFCMD, "IF":IFCMD,
+                  "J":JOBCMD, "JOB":JOBCMD,
+                  "K":KILLCMD, "KILL":KILLCMD,
+                  "L":LOCKCMD, "LOCK":LOCKCMD,
+                  "M":MERGECMD, "MERGE":MERGECMD,
+                  "N":NEWCMD, "NEW":NEWCMD,
+                  "O":OPENCMD, "OPEN":OPENCMD,
+                  "Q":QUITCMD, "QUIT":QUITCMD,
+                  "R":READCMD, "READ":READCMD,
+                  "S":SETCMD, "SET":SETCMD,
+                  "U":USECMD, "USE":USECMD,
+                  "V":VIEWCMD, "VIEW":VIEWCMD,
+                  "W":WRITECMD, "WRITE":WRITECMD,
+                  "X":XECUTECMD, "XECUTE":XECUTECMD,
+                  "ZQ":ZQUITCMD, "ZQUIT":ZQUITCMD,
+                  "ZETRAP":ZETRAPCMD, # not sure what this is exactly...
+                  ";":COMMENT}
+    V_ECODE: "$ECODE",
+    V_ETRAP: "$ETRAP",
+    V_IO:"$IO",
+    V_JOB:"$JOB",
+    V_KEY:"$KEY",
+    V_QUIT:"$QUIT",
+    V_STACK:"$STACK",
+    V_TEST:"$TEST",
+    V_X:"$X",
+    V_Y:"$Y",
+    V_ZJOB:"$ZJOB",
+    V_ZVER:"Unknown Intrinsic variable",
+    V_ZR:"Unknown Intrinsic variable",
+    V_ZNSPACE:"Unknown Intrinsic variable",
+    V_ZH:"Unknown Intrinsic variable",
+    V_ZTRAP:"$ZTRAP",
+    F_ASCII:"$ASCII",
+    F_CHAR:"$CHAR",
+    F_DATA:"$DATA",
+    F_FIND:"$FIND",
+    F_GET:"$GET",
+    F_NAME:"$NAME",
+    F_NEXT:"$NEXT",
+    F_ORDER:"$ORDER",
+    F_PIECE:"$PIECE",
+    F_QUERY:"$QUERY",
+    F_STACK:"$STACK",
+    F_TEXT:"$TEXT",
+    F_VIEW:"$VIEW",
+    F_UNKNOWN:"Unknown Intrinsic function",
+    OPADD:"+",
+    OPSUB:"-",
+    OPMULT:"*",
+    OPEXP:"**",
+    OPFRACDIV:"\\",
+    OPINTDIV:"/",
+    OPMODULO:"#",
+    OPNOT:"'",
+    OPAND:"AND",
+    OPOR:"OR",
+    OPCONCAT:"_",
+    OPGT:">",
+    OPLT:"<",
+    OPNGT:"'>",
+    OPNLT:"'<",
+    OPEQ:"=",
+    OPNEQ:"'=",
+    OPCONTAINS:"[",
+    OPFOLLOWS:"]",
+    OPSORTS:"]]",
+    OPPATMATCH:"?",
+    OPINDIRECT:"@",
+    OPPATATOM:"Pattern Atom",
+    OPNAKEDREF:"^(",
+    COMMENT:";",
+    LABEL:"Label",
+    DOCMD:"DO",
+    FORCMD:"FOR",
+    IFCMD:"IF",
+    JOBCMD:"JOB",
+    NEWCMD:"NEW",
+    SETCMD:"SET",
+    USECMD:"USE",
+    ZQUITCMD:"Unknown command",
+    ZETRAPCMD:"Unknown command",
+    EXPR:"Expression",
+    LOCALVAR:"Local Variable",
+    GLOBALVAR:"Global Variable",
+    INTRINSICVAR:"Intrinsic Variable",
+    INTRINSICFUNC:"Intrinsic Function",
+    USERFUNC:"User Function",
+    STRINGLITERAL:"String",
+    NUMLITERAL:"Number",
+    INDIRECTION:"Indirection Expression",
+    UNKNOWNITEM:"Unknown Item",
+    ENTRYREF:"Entry Reference",
+    LOCALVAR:"Local Var",
+    EMPTYLINE:"",
+    FCC_NEWLINE:"!",
+    FCC_NEWPAGE:"#",
+    FCC_MOV:"mov",
+    FCC_CHARVAL:"asc",
+    }
+def count_subtokens(count_dict, token):
+    """counts the differen types of tokens and subtokens."""
+    token_key = TOKEN_REVERSE_DICT.get(token.toktype,token.toktype)
+    for var in [key for key in token.__dict__.keys() if key \
+                not in ('start', 'end', 'toktype', 'lineno')]:
+        if isinstance(token.__dict__[var], DictType):
+            for (key, val) in token.__dict__[var].items():
+                if isinstance(val, Token):
+                    count_subtokens(count_dict, val)
+        elif isinstance(token.__dict__[var], ListType):
+            for val in token.__dict__[var]:
+                if isinstance(val, DictType):
+                    for (key, dval) in val.items():
+                        if isinstance(dval, Token):
+                            count_subtokens(count_dict, dval)
+                elif isinstance(val, Token):
+                    count_subtokens(count_dict, val)
+        elif isinstance(token.__dict__[var], Token):
+            count_subtokens(count_dict, token.__dict__[var])
+    count_dict[token_key] = count_dict.get(token_key, 0) + 1
+class Token:
+    """ container for all the different types of MUMPS tokens."""
+    def __init__(self, tok_type, startpos):
+        """ initializes a Token object of a given type."""
+        self.toktype = tok_type
+        self.start = startpos
+        self.end = None
+        self.lineno = None
+        self.indentlevel = 0
+        self.post_condition_expr = None
+        self.params = None
+        self.val = None
+        self.varname = None
+        self.timeout = None
+        self.expr = None
+        self.minrep = None
+        self.maxrep = None
+        self.repcount = None
+        self.indirect = None
+    def __str__(self):
+        """returns a string expression of a token contents and subtokens"""
+        if TOKEN_REVERSE_DICT.has_key(self.toktype):
+            if self.lineno:
+                dscr = str(self.lineno) + ' ' + TOKEN_REVERSE_DICT[self.toktype]
+            else:
+                dscr = '\t ' + TOKEN_REVERSE_DICT[self.toktype]
+            for var in [key for key in self.__dict__.keys() \
+                        if key not in \
+                        ('start', 'end', 'toktype', 'lineno')]:
+                if isinstance(self.__dict__[var], DictType):
+                    dscr = dscr + ' ' + str(var) + ':{' 
+                    for (key, val) in self.__dict__[var].items():
+                        dscr = dscr + str(key)+':'+str(val)+' '
+                    dscr = dscr+'} '
+                elif isinstance(self.__dict__[var], ListType):
+                    dscr = "%s %s:%d( " % (dscr, str(var),
+                                           len(self.__dict__[var]))
+                    for val in self.__dict__[var]:
+                        if isinstance(val, DictType):
+                            dscr = dscr + ' {' 
+                            for (key, dval) in val.items():
+                                dscr = dscr + str(key)+':'+str(dval)+' '
+                            dscr = dscr+'} '
+                        else:
+                            dscr = dscr + str(val) + ', '
+                    dscr = dscr+') '
+                elif self.__dict__[var]: # skip over any 'None' values.
+                    dscr = dscr + ' ' + str(var) + ':' + str(self.__dict__[var])
+        else:
+            dscr = str(self.toktype)
+        return dscr
+    def post_condition(self, tv_expr):
+        """set the token's post-condition expression."""
+        self.post_condition_expr = tv_expr
+    def line_no(self, lineno):
+        """set the linenumber on which token occured.
+In practice, this is only done for the first command on a line.
+and there is a dependency on this behavior in tokprepass."""
+        self.lineno = lineno
+    def is_str(self):
+        """returns true if the token is a string literal"""
+        return (self.toktype == STRINGLITERAL)
+    def is_num(self):
+        """returns true if the token is a numeric literal"""
+        return (self.toktype == NUMLITERAL)
+    def is_int(self):
+        """returns true if a numeric literal has no decimal"""
+        if (self.toktype == NUMLITERAL):
+            return not re.search(r"[.]",self.val)
+        else:
+            return False
+    def is_not(self):
+        """returns true if the token is the not operator"""
+        return (self.toktype == OPNOT)
+    def is_expr(self):
+        """returns true if the token is an expression"""
+        return (self.toktype == EXPR)
+    def is_unaryop(self):
+        """returns true if the token is a unary operator"""
+        return (self.toktype in (OPADD, OPSUB, OPNOT))
+    def is_binaryop(self):
+        """returns true if the token is a simple binary operator"""
+        return (self.toktype in (OPADD, OPSUB, OPMULT, OPEXP,
+                                 OPFRACDIV, OPINTDIV, OPMODULO,
+                                 OPGT, OPLT, OPNGT, OPNLT,
+                                 OPEQ, OPNEQ, OPAND, OPOR, OPCONCAT,
+                                 OPCONTAINS, OPFOLLOWS, OPSORTS, OPPATMATCH))
+    def count_subtokens(self, count_dict):
+        """counts the different types of (sub)tokens including itself."""
+        return count_subtokens(count_dict, self)

Copied: trunk/mumps2py/tokprepass.py (from rev 1, trunk/tokprepass.py)
--- trunk/mumps2py/tokprepass.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/mumps2py/tokprepass.py	2008-01-17 17:53:51 UTC (rev 6)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2008 Patrick Gallot
+##    This file is part of Mumps2Py.
+##    Mumps2Py is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+##    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+##    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+##    (at your option) any later version.
+##    Mumps2Py is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+##    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+##    GNU General Public License for more details.
+##    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+##    along with Mumps2Py.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+tokprepass contains code for massaging the intermediate tokens before
+translating a module into Python.
+from mumps_module import  ModuleInfo
+from tokens import *
+def fix_indent_levels(a_mumps_module):
+    """fixing the indent levels for FOR,IF, ELSE commands"""
+    new_indentlevel = 0
+    next_indentlevel = 0
+    for token in a_mumps_module.TokenList:
+        if token.lineno: # starting a new line...
+            new_indentlevel = token.indentlevel
+            next_indentlevel = token.indentlevel
+        if token.toktype in (FORCMD, IFCMD, ELSECMD):
+            # the scope of these commands is the remainder of the line
+            # so the remainder of the line is a nested block of code.
+            # that's the theory anyway.
+            next_indentlevel = new_indentlevel + 1
+        token.indentlevel = new_indentlevel
+        new_indentlevel = next_indentlevel
+##        print "current indent level: %d, next command indent level: %d" % \
+##              (token.indentlevel, new_indentlevel)
+def prepass(a_mumps_module):
+    """ Calls various functions to massage the tokens within a module."""
+    fix_indent_levels(a_mumps_module)

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