[AD] Unity resource suggestion for Allegro |
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- To: allegro-developers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [AD] Unity resource suggestion for Allegro
- From: Michael Dunlop <michael.dunlop@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 6 Nov 2019 18:00:28 +0000
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=udemy.com; s=google; h=date:to:from:reply-to:subject:message-id:mime-version :content-transfer-encoding; bh=z1XxQ9O3KcP94jQpLbR/1QmSzRzEeXCQL7nqE7mRX3A=; b=B0mlljSMkTU+IhJxmIZICHvI7vDr/8JjrzUelsPBiq7NoH6XfjFk6NWGc87FHWI27K 4lj906KEhe+ukC1M8W6VA6ttIQ/rbn4qaf2Vf9hk+Fix6yIFoZZLhDkpGC1tIriyFQRy 4Q7b+Q50KObV6KTNIC2+KTT4FytaEFT+AOzkM=
Hey there,
My name's Mike from Udemy. Do you still update liballeg.org/links.html with new resources?
If so, I wanted to ask if you could mention this list of Unity courses -
"Why should I care?"
The courses are created by professional trainers, have been taught to over 5 million students and have been used to train employees in top companies. They might come in handy ![]()
If you have a minute, it would be great if you can get back to me.
Kind Regards,
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